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Finished Firefly



I finally finished watching every episode of Firefly on Hulu. I'm impressed, and I wish they had done another season. Although it's not a perfect show. There are some episodes that are really good, and others that are more bleh. It's like, they had a few good ideas, and the rest was filler. My favorite was definitely the pilot, Serenity, but I enjoyed War Stories too. And the overall concept is a cool idea.


The characters are... well, varied. Mal is just out there... likes to break the rules of convention... and any other rules, it seems. It seems like, if you're expecting a standoff... Mal just shoots. It was funny the first time, but I wouldn't like to be against a character like that. Jayne gets most of the really funny lines... although I like the actor better as Cassy in Chuck. There's attempts at character development, but too often I feel like they stop short of any revelations.


Now I have to rent the movie... I can't find it for free online, and it'll be higher quality if I just get a DVD. But that's for next week...




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Definitely get the DVD. Serenity is like, one of the best sci-fi movies I've ever seen. Series was awesome too, but I agree with you that some episodes weren't as good as others.

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Yes, Serenity is awesome. River Tam's character got to be fully realized. :D


My favorite Firefly episode was the last one, Objects In Space, mainly because it focused around River. :P But the Jaynestown one was was awesome too.


The only character I cannot stand is Inara. Just bleh. Luckily, she had hardly any lines in Serenity.

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Yay you finished!


War Stories is one of my least favorite, due to the violence. I like Out of Gas and Ariel, and Jaynestown, a lot.


The movie rocks. I was able to find a good deal on the series and the movie on Amazon.


River Tam/Summer Glau ^_^



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