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Weekly Update - 7/3

Black Six



What are you reading this for, isn't it a holiday weekend? Wait, what am I doing writing this? Ahhh!



So, what happened this week...


The 'Super Chapter Book' Raid on Vulcanus was released. I hear it's longer than the older books, but since there are fewer books this year, that's a small consolation for story fans.


If you're still looking for your story fix, the sixth chapter of Empire of the Skrall was posted on Monday. Maybe that'll tide you over.


You should also check out this blog entry by illustrator David White talking about some of his projects and the upcoming movie.


Let's not forget that the summer sets and vehicles are now available on LEGO Shop@Home in the US and some other countries. There have been sightings of them appearing in stores as well. BZPower will endeavor to review these sets along with the canister sets as soon as may be. If you've been eagerly awaiting these sets, and let's be serious, if you're here you probably are, you should start checking your local stores.


On the BZPower front, you need to go check out this topic with pictures of all the prototype pieces I got from LEGO to give away. I'll be working on updating it later tonight and this weekend.


Also, our anniversary if fast-approaching! :-o You'll have to wait to see what we manage to cook up.



Mailbag is empty this week.


Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update.



I hope everyone has a happy Fourth of July weekend (if applicable)! See you all later.

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