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Tufi Piyufi


So, I have this blog. I also haven't posted anything in this blog for a while. I also also have this MOC. I am not especially attached to making a topic for it just to send my post count up a tiny bit. As well, the text and meaning behind the MOC would be more at home in a blog entry than in a topic. Therefore, the solution is to post an entry about it.




As we all know, Bionicle is a subset of the general Lego realm. It also isn't an especially loved one (outside of the whole Bionicle fandom, of course). It's been a little over five years now, and yet it's still scoffed at and reviled by the 'System-side' of things. People still cringe when they see so much as a hip joint and limb in a System set. They cry out 'contamination!' and other such things. They mock Bionicle's 'incompatibility' with System, and yet, when Bionicle does pop up in a System set... it's the end of the world.


I find this attitude extremely tiring, for lack of a better word. That's what makes the inevitability all the sweeter. You see, you guys are growing up. Some of you are in your late teens. Some of you are already past that 18-year mark. This last group of you are, by definition, AFOLs. Yet, you like Bionicle. You're not adverse to it. You may even build with it. You prove that the Bionicle-loving AFOL is not an oxymoron.


Thus, the vignette. On the table is the MOC Washimilna (found elsewhere in my gallery, and painfully overdue for a rebuild) and a few of the Fun With Toa figures. Go ahead and guess who. On the floor are a couple of people. One has just mocked the presence of Bionicle at a convention. The other one isn't too amused by this. The other one also has a glaive. It started off as a relatively simple annoyed-Tufi vignette, but now I guess you could see the two people as representative of the two generations, if you were so inclined.


If there was ever a contest theme I'd revisit (though I prefer new ideas), it'd be Fusion Freebuild. That'd be a good one to combine with the off-BZP concept of #38. Alas, we've still got a fair bit of time before we should be considering that one. Still...


A MOC with a message. Enjoy.


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Maybe that's why I don't go anywhere that's for LEGO as a whole...



Anywho, if you're considerin' a contest theme, why not go with "Me, Myself, and I." ;) Try and figure that one out. Go on!


Ohhh, okay. It's a self-MoCing contest! Seriously now... There hasn't been a contest in a while, why not just go with this one. No reason not to. :P And people'd love a "free build." ;) You know you waaaant toooo.

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Well,"me,myself and I" sounds very similait to the movie,"me,myself and Irene" were in Jim Carrey played a schizophrenic cop,one side nice and a the other side worse then a piraka having a bad day.Now either you mean we end up building two moc's somehow the same person,like mutation or an opposite,shadowform or such,or either we build the nutty forumleader we all adress as Capt'n schizo kaita.Can we really dare this?What if his ego finds out,after that he made his own fanclub and found out that he has a korean band named after him.Pretty risky. :lol:


Perhaps we should send his ego on vacation? :P

(and perhaps save omi out of capt'n schizo's closet,he's been there since the vacation,perhap's we should make his new location Wawa-ville?)


Edit:hadn't seen the self-moc contest part.That be getting quite unfair at some point considering certai n people's name,i also send in a bbc-idea to Capt'n schizo himself.

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Sorry, I'm just reminded of some "looks" I got at Brickfest.


Give it a few years, and you ought to come down, Tufi.


And, from the sounds of things, actions you'd have liked to have taken, correct? ;)


Oh, I have plans to hit the cons, I assure you. Hopefully, though it might be a long shot, Brickfest'll be possible by next year. I'd settle for Brickcon, though. Actually, I guess I'd be happy with anywhere. As long as I can bring the Bionicle fun, it's all good.

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I think we should have a contest were you're only allowed to use certain sets.


Well,"me,myself and I" sounds very similait to the movie,"me,myself and Irene" were in Jim Carrey played a schizophrenic cop,one side nice and a the other side worse then a piraka having a bad day.Now either you mean we end up building two moc's somehow the same person,like mutation or an opposite,shadowform or such,or either we build the nutty forumleader we all adress as Capt'n schizo kaita.Can we really dare this?What if his ego finds out,after that he made his own fanclub and found out that he has a korean band named after him.Pretty risky. :lol:


Perhaps we should send his ego on vacation? :P

(and perhaps save omi out of capt'n schizo's closet,he's been there since the vacation,perhap's we should make his new location Wawa-ville?)


Edit:hadn't seen the self-moc contest part.That be getting quite unfair at some point considering certai n people's name,i also send in a bbc-idea to Capt'n schizo himself.


Actauly the movie's name is based of me, myself and I.


Au revoir

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