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Halp With Brickfair Art



I'm thinking about -maybe-, -possibly-, making some art to send off to Brickfair.




What are your thoughts on this matter?


Also, ideas. Something awesome, but not too difficult to pull off-- simple, yet iconic of the Bionicle fandom. Also I have to be able to draw it as a traditional Bionicle drawing...I don't think HB would work too well for this.xD I was thinking maybees I would draw Mata Nui...but that seems too obvious. I dunno.0: But I need to decide really quick, cuz I'll be getting very, very busy soon-- drumline camp and band camp is coming up, as well as my second summer assignment. Also school. I really would like to pull this off though...it would be a nice kickoff to my delving back into Bionicle art.


So yeah, halp please!:]




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I think that would be epic. I personally think HB art would be a awesome twist on art entries, but I understand why you wouldn't want to do it of course. I honestly have no idea what you could draw at this very moment...but I'll keep thinking about it, and we can talk it out on IM sometime. But overall: go for it! It'll be awesome!


Hmm...maybe I could send some art to Brickfair as well...a certain poster of goggle-man and buster-lady, perhaps? :3

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I think that would be epic. I personally think HB art would be a awesome twist on art entries, but I understand why you wouldn't want to do it of course. I honestly have no idea what you could draw at this very moment...but I'll keep thinking about it, and we can talk it out on IM sometime. But overall: go for it! It'll be awesome!


Hmm...maybe I could send some art to Brickfair as well...a certain poster of goggle-man and buster-lady, perhaps? :3


Yus, we should discuss it...and you should SO send in a poster like that.0: That would be like, the most epic thing at the Fair.8D


No Mata. I'm doing Mata. Do not steal my glory!

Maybe the original Toa Mata though. That'd be cool.




Haha...well, I was thinking of doing something Mata-related, but at the same time, I've been itching to draw some Glatorian or something else more recent. Soo hard to decide.



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