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A Tribute To Hank Scorpio



I just picked up the 8th Season of the Simpsons on DVD this weekend, and was suddenly reminded that it contained what I believe to be one of the best episodes in the history of the show. I'm speaking of "You Only Move Twice" featuring the greatest one-off character ever, Hank Scorpio.



As I watched the episode, I was almost able to quote along with it verbatim. It was amazing, it's been nearly 10 years since the episode aired, and here I am able to remember so much about it. Right down to the little details (the woman snapping the general's neck, Scoprio pulling sugar out of his pockets). There's even the not so memorable yet still funny quotes: "In fact, I didn't even give you my coat!"


It was an episode I hadn't seen in a long time, and while watching it I was reminded of how the Simpsons used to be. Though Scorpio's Bond-esque villiany is hilarious, it serves only as the B-story to an otherwise humorous plot on it's own. The way that Homer is copmletely oblivious to what's going on is almost a testament to how bizarre the world the Simpsons live in can be. And of course, the joke builds until what is literally an explosive finale.


There are other classics that I have watched as I've collected the DVD releases, but for some reason...."You Only Move Twice" is the gem in this massive collection.


Some of my other favorites:

"Homer's Enemy" (the Frank Grimes one)

"Two Bad Neighbors" (the George Bush one)


Besides that, Season 8 has other classics such as "Hurricane Neddy" which features a memorable Flanders breakdown. ("And if you really bug me, I'll run you over with my car.") But at this point, I'm rambling. So now with this written, it's back to the DVDs. There's more treasures to be found.


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Oh yeah, that episode. It was great. Won't get into the rambling of why, because you already did. :P

The new Treehouse of Horror episode is on tonight. Can't wait for that either.



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I own all 8 seasons of the Simpsons on DVD, and I agree with your three episodes that you say are great, for in fact, they are. Can't wait to see even more of the 18th season (yes, were that far now)

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