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Off To Chicago...



My family and I are heading out early tomorrow morning for Chicago, where we will be attending a conference over the weekend (just Saturday actually). The conference is on the book "Do Hard Things"; written by Alex and Brett Harris who will also be the main speakers. The book is challenging teens to overcome the low expectations in our culture today and to rise up and make a difference in the world. The whole thing is also Christian driven, just to let you know. If you want to find out more about the book and their organization "The Rebelution" just Googlize it. ;)


We will spend Friday traveling, Saturday is the conference, Sunday we will just hang out in Chicago, and Monday we will travel home. In addition, it is not my plan to spend any time on the Computer (or at least online) so don't expect any activity from me (not that I've been on that much anyways).




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It's a shame I'm out of town until Tuesday. Make sure you hit the Lego store downtown; they usually have some pretty sweet deals in the back on damaged and/or old junk. ;)


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I live somewhat close to Chicago :D


Except I'm going to be in Michigan when you are at Chicago :o


Be sure to check out the LEGO store.

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Make sure you hit the Lego store downtown; they usually have some pretty sweet deals in the back on damaged and/or old junk. ;)


Sweet. I believe we should be going tomorrow! :)


Chicago is a nice city, I haven't been there in a while though. I'm sure you'll enjoy the city.

Indeed, we already are! ^_^ It is a beautiful city, and very clean at that!


Get some deep dish Chicago pizza! It'll be different than any other pizza you've had in your life!

I think we may try that tomorrow...


You're stopping by the LEGO Store, right? Right?


Have fun. Chicago's a cool place. The conference sounds good.



Right!! :D I'm not sure if I'll get anything or not, but we'll see! :rolleyes:


BTW, the conference was awesome today! Truly inspiring, and it got my family talking on some great stuff!


Now, to read! :D



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