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Google... Me?



Has anyone tried to Google their name?


I tried. I always found it amusing when new search results show more mentions of my name online. It's a real reminder of how the Internet has really connected everyone together.


Like, how I dug up an online letter my sister sent to the animal and food safety people of the government, because we had pet chickens and Indonesia had bird flu, so the government officers came by and took them all away. It was even funnier to see that a doctor (most likely by degree, not by practice) took a 10-year-old's letter so seriously that he added fuel to the flame, stoking that the government should not have taken away family pets because of its fear of infection.


The chickens came back, by the way. But they aren't here anymore. That's another story for another day.


And, like, how I Googled names of my boyfriend's ex (Let's not be touchy and wrap this up quickly), to find out that many complications occurred to a strong friendship between her and another girl, resulting in much pain for the latter. I felt tempted to console this other girl and let her know that matters have come to pass.



So, imagine my surprise when I saw the words '... hate (<dd>'s real name)...I don't even want to see her...'


I went 'HUH?!' and had a look.


Turned out that a secondary (middle) school had a principal with the same name as me.


What a heart attack!




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Weird. My name brings up some letter I had to write to an editor of an online newspaper about junk food. Then some mile run I ran when I was 9. Then Twitter (my account has my name) and some other random people with half my name. Then some results of some track meet I ran in last year. O-e

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Heh, I look up my real name, and nothing about me comes up [for a few pages, at least].


Look up "Toa Velox" and most of the first page is all me, as well as some of the second page. It has an MOC of me on BZP from a LONG time ago, as well as one of my posts in the Official My LEGO Network Topic. O_o Why it chose those, I have no idea. On the second page there's someone's random b-shelf who mentioned me in a description. Then there's a couple other forums I go on, as well as Argetlam's personal site, who has me listed for an MOC of the week.


O_o It's really weird what placed Google picks from.

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LOL, well done for those whose names came with the merits they've achieved. :) (Wish I were that lucky.)


Yeah, Google the weird, but fun too. XD



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