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Blade Titan974's Comics: Rising Suns

Blae Durian


Oh my god, I meant to do this days ago...


Anyway, this'll be where all discussion about the next season will go to.


Ok, so I'm currently planning a late Fall 2009 release. During this time, I will have to work like crazy, because I plan to release TONS of stuffs for the premier. There will be:


*Multiple new QFTMS comics. They will mostly be just talking and getting into the place with the Frost Key, but of course, it will be interesting.

*The beginning of Life on Meta-Nui, the side series full of uncanonical goodness, full of spoofs, random Meta-Nui life, and humor. There will also be the occasional QFTMS filler.

*New poster, new info sheets, new kits...

*A little special surprise. (If I manage to make it successfully)


And that's just the premier! In Rising Suns, you'll also see:


*The rest of your favorite slowly-progressing-saga.

*A side series about...THE ORIGINS OF THE COMICS. (Not like how I got my Hau, but how everyone got together and started the series)

*Brain bursting-epicness that aren't as burstful as Merc's comics, but still burstful.


Now, and questions? Comments? Death threats?


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I didn't forget. I just wasn't sure what to post.


And now I know what I can post.


But, because of that little remark, I'm not going to post it right now! (Mostly because I need to go to school soon)

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oooh yayz

Un-canonicial! Yayz! Referencees! Yayz! Commander Skipper! Yayz!

Do you think these people really need all that food in their fridge?
Lolz! Shelek Holmes! Yayz! No Bomb! Yayz!
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Nice Sneak peeks.

The Plot Holes and references made me literally ROFL!

*Gasp* How dare I use a noobish acronym!

Anyway, When do I actially appear in the comics? Nearly everyone except me has appeared.



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In all honesty, I didn't like it. Well, graphic-wise. I have no idea why people fail to notice the Lhikan's Hau in the six-shade kit. It exists. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.


Oh, and when'll Chokii get that laser-eye surgery? Because his eyes are still orange.


Good quality or not, I'm not overly sure you're reading the series. Other than that, it works.

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Oh yeah, I saw that Lhikan's Hau. I'm thinking of using it actually...


But why should Lhikan's Hau be in the comic? Oh, wait, StormLasher's mask. Whoops


And this was originally a comic for the duel. It's not that well done because I had to think of the idea and all that in half an hour. And I still didn't break the record...>.<


And Gerlicky, this isn't really canon or anything. It was a LLL comic that featured Blade's characters so I thought: "Why not convert it"?



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Oh yeah, I saw your recent comics. But, I didn't feel like posting. Again.


But I guess the mistakes are fairly understandable, considering the duel.

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Yeah, quite a few people read and don't post. I saw Dlakii viewing it as well, but he didn't either. Too bad, I'd have loved to see what he thought of his noob self.


Anyhow, the inhabitants of the Noob Dimension might come back in the future. If they do, Noob Blade and Noob Shadow Ebba will be included with them.



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Anyhow, the inhabitants of the Noob Dimension might come back in the future. If they do, Noob Blade and Noob Shadow Ebba will be included with them.


Uh, yeah, I lost the sheet. Sowwie.

I felt that the co-author comic needed to be converted a bit more. It still screamed LLL in my face.

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Ok, uh, I may have to push back RS' release date.


*Prepares for mob*


I actually haven't worked on these comics for a week or two. Or more. Homework has been taking over. And, I've been working on something else.


Look in the sig.

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Push back Rising Suns?


Alright, then. I guess I might have to do a actual Co-Author Comic after all...


Thing is, I have no idea what to do it for, since everyone's already on QFTMS.



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It's a MAS right? Made by Dlakii, I think, as the banners are all being hosted by him...


Who's the six? I know Blade, Gav, you and Dlakks are in it, but who else?



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That's good. Is it going to be in a new topic, or in the old one?


Also, you haven't answered my previous question on what to do for a CA Comic since everyone's off on QFTMS....



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That's good. Is it going to be in a new topic, or in the old one?


Also, you haven't answered my previous question on what to do for a CA Comic since everyone's off on QFTMS....




Old one, since I already have 20 pages. :P


Well, if it were a LoMN comic, it wouldn't matter. Or maybe a comic about you watching the hut.

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