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Blade Titan974's Comics: Rising Suns

Blae Durian


Oh my god, I meant to do this days ago...


Anyway, this'll be where all discussion about the next season will go to.


Ok, so I'm currently planning a late Fall 2009 release. During this time, I will have to work like crazy, because I plan to release TONS of stuffs for the premier. There will be:


*Multiple new QFTMS comics. They will mostly be just talking and getting into the place with the Frost Key, but of course, it will be interesting.

*The beginning of Life on Meta-Nui, the side series full of uncanonical goodness, full of spoofs, random Meta-Nui life, and humor. There will also be the occasional QFTMS filler.

*New poster, new info sheets, new kits...

*A little special surprise. (If I manage to make it successfully)


And that's just the premier! In Rising Suns, you'll also see:


*The rest of your favorite slowly-progressing-saga.

*A side series about...THE ORIGINS OF THE COMICS. (Not like how I got my Hau, but how everyone got together and started the series)

*Brain bursting-epicness that aren't as burstful as Merc's comics, but still burstful.


Now, and questions? Comments? Death threats?


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Well, I made a CA Comic. Unfortunately, I didn't see Blade's previous comic which explained it already. >.<


Anyhow, we sorta have it all figured out. What happens is that when I touch the Infinity Cube, then everything goes out of whack (leading to Blade's comic). Blade breaks the Vahi which contradicts the power of the Infinity Cube thus leading the Cube to create a divergent reality to save itself which has everybody warped from Mt. Matoro to Blade's studio in a alternate dimension with no memory of the things that happened on QFTMS and in the warpspace (that black place where Blade and Katoka were in his comic) except for a strange feeling that they were somewhere else.


It's a little confusing, in fact, its very confusing, but that's how it worked out so...



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Fixed. Tinypic fails. Photobucket ftw...


EDIT: It seems quite small...I'll have to enlarge it. Hold on, please...



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With all honesty, I have absolutely no idea when I'll finally get back on track. It could be in a month. It could be in 6 months. Either way...I'm sorry.


I mean, for corn sakes, I've only made, what, 7 comics this entire year? If you ask me, that's down right pathetic. Hopefully, next year will be better. And hopefully my brother will get his own computer...

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Hey. Just returned from the hospital.


Well...By this point, I have absolutely no idea when the comics will be started up again. I know for sure I'm not going to abandon the series. Got to much epicness...


However, to help make up for the constant delays, I'll post comic 16--the only main comic I've finished. Dang, I suck.




Please note that this was done several months ago, so I've improved since then. Plus, I intentionally used now-outdated stuff in this comic, since the next one is the real first comic of Rising Suns.


I'm also planning on making a new epic for the comics. Think of it as both a remake of my original, pathetic epic and a prequel to the comics. I was originally going to make it after a few sagas, but it also works before all the future stuff. I'll actually try to start writing it soon...

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I mean, I centered something, so that means something.


The game has finally gone into proper production! Originally, it was to be Zelda based, but then I realized that I can't really pull off the battle system. So, I've changed it into an RPG.


» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «

Sorry for only including one screen shot, I'm kinda in a hurry.

Well, I know it's looking a little primitive. I mean, I've only recently started, so what do you expect? The final version will be great. In fact, I'm planning to add a plethora of goodies. This includes:


*All things QFTMS, with a few unseen events and such.

*A huge overworld and many dungeons.

*Many extras, including quests, optional dungeons, and more will be available.

*Some differing gamplay elements. This includes Zelda-inspired dungeon layouts, including all the puzzles.



So far, I have no exact release date. However, I may release the first demo sometime later this spring.


On a random note, some of you may have heard of Kahi's "Taone Nui Offline Game". Well, don't expect this game to be so much like it. In fact, It may be the complete opposite.


Also, this may or may not replace the comics. Depends on how much time will have to be put on this, but I'm expecting a lot.

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On the poster, I would've posed the sprites a little differently. It looks like they're lying down.

^Sole bit of criticism^




Um yeah, so is it going to be playing through the movie story? Whatever comes out on the other side, I guess it won't matter to me anyway. *Hits Mac*


also dungeons in zelda style B)

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Ah, good job Blade. Looks very interesting.


Also, I did not copy the idea from Blade, just so you guys don't think "o noez its kahi the glorihog steeling blaeds thundur!!11!". Actually, I think Blade revamped his project after playing TNOG, but anyhow...


(also send me chimoru charsheet plzkthxbi)



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Also, I did not copy the idea from Blade, just so you guys don't think "o noez its kahi the glorihog steeling blaeds thundur!!11!". Actually, I think Blade revamped his project after playing TNOG, but anyhow...




actualle i thught u wer glorisow

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Argh, everyone in the ICC (or, rather, who WAS in the ICC) is making RPGs. Hence why if I ever make a game based on my comics, it'll be more of a platformer.
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So... it's kinda like Final Fantasy? :rolleyes:

I've never been a fan of that series, but I'll play this!!! :P


... And... LOMN is in an alternate universe? Do you think you could sort something out to say that "at the end of days" or whatever, something could happen that moves the LOMN folks, to the start of QFTMS, so they will, quite literally, be the same people? 'Cause I hate it when these "altenrate realisites" come about.

Sorry if that was a bit confusing...

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It uses gameplay and many other references and such from Final Fantasy, yes. But don't worry. I'm currently trying to find ways to make things more elaborate and unique, or at least for a BZP game. ;)


And the reason why this is an entirely different universe of sorts is because LoMN will constantly be making jokes and contain other events that would otherwise completely contradict all sense in the main series, or something along those lines.


It's just an easy way to bypass all possible continuity issues. :P

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It uses gameplay and many other references and such from Final Fantasy, yes. But don't worry. I'm currently trying to find ways to make things more elaborate and unique, or at least for a BZP game. ;)


And the reason why this is an entirely different universe of sorts is because LoMN will constantly be making jokes and contain other events that would otherwise completely contradict all sense in the main series, or something along those lines.


It's just an easy way to bypass all possible continuity issues. :P

.. so... what you're doing is putting them into an alternate universe, where they shall have absolutely no interaction with their QFTMS counterparts, so you may continue the old style without interference?

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So... it's kinda like Final Fantasy? :rolleyes:

I've never been a fan of that series, but I'll play this!!! :P


... And... LOMN is in an alternate universe? Do you think you could sort something out to say that "at the end of days" or whatever, something could happen that moves the LOMN folks, to the start of QFTMS, so they will, quite literally, be the same people? 'Cause I hate it when these "altenrate realisites" come about.

Sorry if that was a bit confusing...

It already happened, man. In my CA Comic, I touched a piece of the Infinity Cube, which made everything go haywire and warped the dimension badly. However, when Blade broke his Vahi, the dimension reversed in time and reverted to normal. However, part of the dimension was siphoned off into a pocket dimension, thus LoMN.



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