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What A Great Day

Nuju Metru


Well, today was my last day of summer... Tomorrow, it's back off to school. I'm gonna be a freshman.


However, I can't say this day wasn't AWESOME...


-I got a model trebuchet kit I ordered in the mail yesterday, and built it today.

-Season 12 of The Simpsons is now in my family's possession, and we've already watched two of the episodes.

-On a related note, in one of the episodes we watched, The Who, one of my favorite bands, guest-starred.

-I got a brand-spankin-new backpack.

-I got gelato.

-The forums came back.

-I just got 7100 posts.


So yeah, awesome day. :)


-Nuju Metru


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You seriously forgot to mention how awesome your whole summer was, especially how awesome it was to meet me?




You...I just can't...FAIL.



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The forums coming back on was the highlight of my day as well. Nice stuff, BTW. What's Gelato?




It's like icecream, only... Gelato. :P


You seriously forgot to mention how awesome it was to meet me?




You...I just can't...FAIL.




Oh, yeah, forgot to mention I met SK over the summer. He and I made arrangements, and met at a great burger place in my town. It was yummy. :P


Hooray for gelato! I love that stuff! What flavor(s) did you get?


I got mint chip and chocolate. B)

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Yay for forums!! I still think my sumner was more eventful though. What with riding motorcycles and shooting people and all. :D



~ :e: :e: :k: :m_o:

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