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Calling All Abyss Players And Assorted Rpers!



I'm writing this entry during a free period at school. :P This is for anyone who plays AP, was planning to play it, or just wants to offer some friendly advice from one RPer to another.


In short, I know that AP was a failure, but I had a lot of stuff planned for it before the downtime ruined everything. I still have all that stuff planned and I have a huge post that I'm almost finished writing up. But now I'm at a crossroads. I can take this post in two directions. Either I let the game continue to limp along in hopes of it picking up interest, or I can call my shots, throw in the towel, and end it with the biggest fireworks show an RPG has ever seen.


My decision will be my own, but I want to hear your thoughts as well.





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I say to go for the big ending. Of course, that might be simply because I never played it, but a nice fireworks ending is always appreciated. :P

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Wrap it up quick like we did with Pikmin. Take it out with a massive implosion along with the main villain. That always makes me smile.



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My suggestion it to allow AP to continue long enough for players to wrap up whatever they are doing and then press the big red button at the beginning of the new RPG contest. That way, players will be able to finish any stories they have with their characters, and you can focus all of your attention on your new RPG (which looks great so far!).


As a player, I would want the chance to finish his or her story before the end. However, its up to you as to what is best for the RPG. :)

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