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Lemon Club



This was Bundaling's idea, so, um, yeah. We've decided to start a Lemon Club, where you can express your opinions for Lemons, or just ignore them, you decide. To join, simply post a comment in this entry.


If you think this is rather bizarre, then you should probably read this entry, which explains why Lemons are so great.


And here's a wonderful bannner:




Alternatively, here's a user bar:




And of course, here's a custom Lemon Smilie:




If you want to make the banner into a link, just copy and paste this code into your signature:



So there you go.smilemon.gif




Zero Two


Aanchir: Rachira of Time






~Ruhann: Rider of Azuakk~





Titan XP





Sumiki the Roadrunner


Commodore van Beebo2579


kongu888: Fighter of magnetisim




master mind 3.0

President Lhikan

Michael Toa of Lightning


The Mystery Member


Toa Axzaa

Lunarite toa of the moon


Ultimate Nobody

Vahki 530

Barraki of Boomerangs


Toa Vezorn

Legendary Guardian of Time

Toa Inika X Matthew

Barraki Zuju: Electric

Chocolate Frogs

// Air Freak



biovee: toa of hockey

Toa Vahkshi of Electricity

Onxy-Toa of Sonyx

Autobot Kopaka

Knogu Inika



Darth Maul


Toa Nuva Ponewtu



Hakkan Barraki of Colours


Garfield fan!

Roa McToa

Kurnak The Overlord

Tigs: The Candy Man

Toa of Geckos

pridak king

toa lewa8796




Toa Mirok Nuva

Fyren diamondpoint

Letagi Great Toa of Air


The Disousa: The Undead Werewolf


mr bionicool


Phyoohrii the Dark Hunter Hunter


piraka ain't cute


The Sword of the Heart

Alku Toa of Rahi

The Egg Of Choas

Galin: A Dark Hunter's Fear

Rabin: Toa of Electricity

Lord Ehlek

The Holy Chair



Dark Pickle

Toa Dave: The Savior of Trix

the earth man


Hakama. Toa of Deloreans andVWs

jallers comics




kritu:destinys warrior

Lyichir: Rachira of Influence


Emperor of Chaos



Carapar: The Destroyer



Toa Viran



philbert toa of steak



matoro toa of ice


Scythrax-Toa of cheese


Kanohi Wearer


Lemon Club Challege 1:

Design a Toa of Lemons


Winner - Aanchir


Lemon Club Challenge 2:

Write a poem or story about Lemons


Winner - Arpy


Recommended Comments

Sweet. I hope many people join the gang. I will wear this banner with honor, because it is awesome. Yes, awesome. But of course, as always, somone will see I have a banner and delete my sig for that reason. 'Tis a hard, cruel world that we live in. I don't have anything thought prevoking on lemons today, so bleh. My friend said he would join BZP for this club when he gets a computer, but he may be joking.

Come one, come all, to the place in which lemons exist!


EDIT: Oh cruel world! The banner is too wide! It cuts away at words and distorts my meanings! Okay, maybe too dramatic. You really need to fix the problem of the CB, because it is just not working. You said it didn't look good when you put them all on one side, but it looks worse when it crushes peoples words. Maybe you could delete some of the more useless CB or something, but it no worky. Oh yeah, you should make a content block of the people that join. I am a hypocrate(sp?), no?
Yay! Let it be known on this day Seran did good things to his blog!
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People! Yay! I see that bioniclefreaky101 isn't showing his banner with pride, you could at least link here. Seran, you should make a CB with a list of the people in the Lemon Club. That's just too creepy, -LC-, did you change your name after you joined? If not, that is the weirdest thing that has happened to me since yesterday afternoon at 3:05. Kudos to you, -LC-, you show your Lemon banner! Spread the good tidings and butter across the forums of BZKoro, and gather people to our cause!

The odd Lemon thing of the day for me: My friend likes Lemons so much, that if there are any sitting in my fridge left over from last nights tea, he devours them! I don't like Lemons that much, but they are tasty. Delicious Lemons. Has anyone noticed I capitalize Lemon? I will do so forever more, to show loyalty to the club.


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Seran! I made a Lemon Club user bar! Lookie!

IPB Image


There ya' go. Add it to the first post, if you wish. You don't have to give credit. And rmember to link it here!

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I would suggest that yall link here in your sigs. People with banners? Please link them here. I see that some of you are having banners, but they aren't link-like. Your taking space in your sig for this anyways, so why don't you spread the word? Nobody will search for the lemon club if they just see a banner. Do you agree, Seran?


Well, it would be useful if you all linked to this page, but I can't make you do anything.

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Well, it would be useful if you all linked to this page, but I can't make you do anything.



Well, you couldn't physicly force them to, but you could say you can't be a Lemon person if you don't. I don't know, maybe that's bad...



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I believe you can. Do you have anything Lemony to say?

I think if I post again Seran will be angry and he'll throw me in the rift. I feel small.


Why would I be angry? Your posts bring joy and wonderfully centered text to the Rift.

-Seran IPB Image

Yay! No rift! Do you realize that there are nine members now?! Yay! Never again will I use an exclamation point. They bother me.

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I like lemons but i like limes better, Alothouigh I do drink the juice(just like that (I squese the lime juice in a cup then drink And i don't even flincH!!!!!))so can i join!


Limes are almost as magical as Lemons, so yes, you may join. -S IPB Image

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That is... sour. But it sounds nice. I think that you may join, but Seran must approve. I think he approves everyone...
Seran, I do all that wonderfully centered text by hand, 'cause I can't find the button.
*Joking. That would be amazing if I could...*

On a scale from one to ten, what is the magical concentrate in Lemons and limes, Seran?
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Yay Lemons.

When Life gives you lemons... Take a lemon... squitch life in the eye.. .grab it's wallet.. and take off running. Or you can make lemonade. Whichever.

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Now that is just... disturbing. I have never hear that one before. Ever. I guess you can join... Seran? This person is creeping me out!


Ooh... izzazachre.

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You know, if I ever get a lemon at a restaurant, I don't usually use it on food, I eat the fruit! And sometimes I have my mom get me lemons at the grocery store... for me to eat. A lot of people would consider eating plain lemons extremely gross, for some extremely odd and strange reason.


But I don't.


I will join the Lemon Club!


Go lemons!!!!



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Here`s an interesting story about lemons that shall make them FAMOUS and REMEMBERED.


Ivan Petrovich Pavlov is a poor man turned to a receiver of a Nobel Award.For what?Well,most possibly you can`t get a Nobel Award for doing nothing right?Well,now on to the story,One day when his friends came over to his house he conducted an experiment,he gave a dog a plate of meat and the dog ate it,Pavlov,of course has inserted a tube in the dog`s tummy,and then they all saw that its gastric juice is flowing,then he placed the meat at a place where the dog could see it,but not reach it and the gastric juice still flows.Pavlov called this conditioned reflex.Then he showed a slice of LEMON and everybody who has ate a LEMON started salivating.



And see?It is the LEMON who has helped Ivan to get his award

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I'm well in, just put it in my banner. The Lemon Club should be good, now, lets begin with storytelling. I once had a lemon, it was sour, yet I squeezed and squeezed as hard as I could, evantually I gave up, realsining the moral to this story.


Never try to squeeze a lemon, they're very protective


Too true. -S IPB Image

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I like lemons so much (though not as much as I like chocolate milk), I will say it 19 times:




When life gives you lemons, ask for more.


Can I please join?


Yes indeed.


-Seran IPB Image

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from one to ten, what is the magical concentrate in Lemons and limes, Seran?

About 11.6, I think. Lemons are too awesome to abide by the normal laws of mathematics.


-Seran IPB Image

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