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Definition Of Reality

Jean Valjean


Since Robo apparently needs me to spell it out for him, I am going to define reality by breaking up the word into separate parts. "Reality" contains the root word "real" and the suffix "ity". Here is how the dictionary defines the word "real".



existing as a fact; not imagined or made up; actual;true



The suffix "ity" is defined as:



(suffix forming nouns from adjectives) The condition, quality, or fact of being



Thus, the logical conclusion defining the amalgam of these two units of language is "the condition of existing as a fact".


To explain where Robo misused the world "reality" is in his RPG, Reality. First of all, the name of the RPG itself is a misnomer. It would not be out of place on a self-help book, but this title is attached to an RPG about a fictional world, which is imagined and made up. The second flaw is where he formally introduces the incorrect meaning of reality in the first post:



Whenever and wherever you can imagine, a Reality existed. In side of a Reality is an uncountable number of Dimensions...



Reality certainly exists. However, this makes Reality out to be a place, where within lies a number of dimensions. Instead of understanding reality as condition, it is misinterpreted as "a realm in which dimensions of a certain consistency are capable of existing." In other words, "location". One person can travel from on Reality to the next. It would be more preferable and more precise if he had instead replaced the title "Reality" with the word "Consistency" or "Continuum", or if he had made up a new word for the concept he had in mind.


I hope this has provided clarity.


Live long and prosper.


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The problem with your logic, Mr. Spock, is that you base all of your definitions on the many languages of Humans. This implies that you are allied with the Kingdom of Humans, and this type of propaganda- trying to make it seem as if the war they are losing doesn't even exist- is just what I'd expect from you :P






Also, the 'Username' in your 'Me' Content Block needs to be updated.

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I suppose that no debate can come to a conclusion if one of the contenders bases his logic off of different facts than the other. In the given case, you are basing your logic off of assumptions that you desire to make whilst I base mine off of laying the groundwork by studying the meaning of a word. The origins of the word are not significant in the debate, but rather that its meaning is understood. You could have created a word with your own meaning, but instead you chose to distort the meaning of an existing word.


Whatever your motives, your point against me is invalid. I do not intend to campaign, but simply to define a word. My motivation is irrelevant, so long as a truth is understood. You have fallen to the "Straw Man" fallacy, RoboNinjaDevil.


Of course, there is a much more simple explanation for your behavior. You understand my logic completely, but your human emotions prevent you from admitting your flawed thinking. In short, you are biased. Do not interpret this as a serious accusation. I am merely acknowledging your human nature. I hypothesize that the main motivation for your bias is a desire to protect your pride for your RPG.


EDIT: I apologize, the obvious must have been overlooked, as most often happens. It occurred to me that the likelihood of you displaying your sense of humor in this matter is very high. The smiley face you used at the end of your post didn't initially register.


By the way, I was aware of the profile name change. Unfortunately, I have been procrastinating on that matter. I will get around to it now.


Live long and prosper.

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Interesting. I used to think of "reality" as the universe in which we truly exist and where everything is actual and not figurative. I.E., when you're awake and conscious, rather than thinking or dreaming.

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Reality has been used as slang for anything that is not internet. Nevertheless, what I presume to be your subconscious definition is close enough to a more formal definition of the word. The main point that I try to drive home here is that reality is a state of factuality as opposed to a state of being.


Live long and prosper.

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It's a pet peeve of mine to see words misused. I wanted to express what was on my mind.


I also have a pet peeve against smart-alecs. Why did you care enough to read this entire entry and post a comment?


Live long and prosper.

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It's a pet peeve of mine to see words misused. I wanted to express what was on my mind.


I also have a pet peeve against smart-alecs. Why did you care enough to read this entire entry and post a comment?


Live long and prosper.

It just seems like a whole lot of effort spent over nothing. And I read your entire entry and posted a comment because I was reading your blog. That's what people do when they read blogs. They read entries and post comments. Do you have a pet peeve against people reading your blog?

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No, but I don't like the way you phrased your post. It sounded of a sarcastic nature.


And bloggers, writing blogs is what they do. There didn't seem to be anything other to write about at the time. You have gone around and essentially said that I've been wasting my time whenever something I do doesn't seem to be worth yours.


Don't know about you, but I love words. I'm the type of guy who reads a dictionary for fun. Do you know one of the reasons I wrote this entry? Because it was fun.


Live long and prosper.

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It's just that the whole thing is phrased as a correction and meant to teach a lesson, when I can't really see any reason anyone will listen when you say "Your RPG title is wrong and here is why."

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The only person I expected to read this was Robo, and this entry was meant for him. It appears that he commented. This blog entry wasn't meant to be a huge attention getter, and the fact that it got comments from more people than just Robo is a surprise.


I can understand, however, that you might think that this entry wasn't worth it. Heck, I half-expect that to be a critique with just about every blog entry I make.


Live long and prosper.

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