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My Poor Leg

MT Zehvor


Anyone remember last year when I broke my finger? The curse of early school year injuries has struck again.


This time, it's my left leg that suffered. I was running earlier today, and, from what I can tell, gathering information from what the medical people said, I ripped some of the tissue that connects the muscle to the hip bone. This one'll take a while to heal.


Thankfully, it doesn't hurt too bad anymore. This trend is starting to get crazier than my random final days of semester fever, where I always get a fever on either the final days of the 1st or 2nd semester.




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Wow. Sorry to hear that.


Recently, I broke my arm, but I haven't had any MAJOR injuries since then. Anyway, hope that heals up.



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Thanks Meso.


Wait, school's already started for you?

Here in the southeast, we start a lot earlier than the rest of America, and we end a lot earlier too.


Amputation man. It's the answer.

Ha ha ha NO.



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Sorry to hear that. I recently tore the skin on my hand when I accidently punched my celing while I was thinking of an idea for Aftermath a little too hard. (I tend to do that sometimes.)


Anyways, hope you get better soon!


-Zehvor Brenmac :)

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