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Every One Of You Deserves A Metal!

Dr. Dremora von DOOM


this will be my downtime update entry, and one of the last, if I don't renewmy premiership, which i probably will anyway :P


anyhoo, I have been hard at work in the time since bzp's been down,


been getting into Pink Floyd, and Rush, which now have taken the pushed Led Zeppelin and Nirvana respectively, down my top list.


I also have been verrryyy busy with the guitar, because I took a long boat trip on a state ferry, and brought my guitars, and pretty much practiced 80% of the time, and actually made progress, learning Money, Breath/Speak to Me, Brain Damage, and Hey You by Floyd, and 39, Long Away and Hammer to Fall by Queen.


also, the title of this entry comes from the fact that the Soldier in tf2 has become one of my primary classes, and well, I don't suck, so that's great :D


um... I got that one shot today that I had to get for some immunity thing, didn't hurt that much, but I can't lift my right arm anymore, but that's ok, cuz I don't play guitar left handed.


oh that reminds me, one of my new favorite songs is off of pink floyd's the Division Bell, it's called High Hopes, and it is a masterpiece, truly a fitting goodbye from a brilliant band..


umm... oh eyah, I just today bought Mata Nui and ackar, and I personally really really like them, some of the finer uses of the good ol Inika body,


that's all for now children, from galaxy news radio, this is three dog- err I mean, this is DvD signing off, for now at least :)




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