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Now that I'm finally sixteen, I can finally apply for a job.


And get some moneys. For once in my life! :bigsmile:


Thankfully, Hallmark Crown has open spots (for the holidays, no less!), so I'm crossing my fingers that I can get the job.


And get some moneys. :sly:




Oh yeah, my b-day. I got Hakann. I got Vezon and Fenrakk. Coolest. Set. Ever. I got Legends #5 (#4 was sold out). Coolest. Book. Ever. I've already read it four times.


Now that I have Vezon and Fenrakk, I can actually do some nice sketches of them. Whee!




Last note: Went to church tonight for choir, and met a BZpower member (well, guest that comes all the time but hasn't signed up. But he knows who I am.). How weird is that?




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Huh. I have to wait till I'm seventeen to apply for a job. That'll be in January, though; but I REALLY don't want a job.


I can't WAIT to see your interpretation of Vezon and Fenrakk. Sounds cool.

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So no gooshy foods? Well, I suppose moneys will have to do for the time being :(


Anyways, I hope you enjoyed your fantastic birthday!

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Hurra for money and a job! I got two jobs myself, and it's amazing...you actually get money.


Happy Birthday again, and wow lots of great pressies. :D

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Don't be surprised about meeting such people. Trust me, I would have died to get a chance to meet members like you, Schizo, Lady K, the admins, Hahli Husky, Omicron, etc. at Brickfest, even though I was not yet a member. If only some members had shown up on Saturday and Sunday who I could recognise...

Omicron even lives in the same state as me and I don't know him!

Seriously, that is one lucky kid.


- :vahi:

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Wot? So like, what state is this where you have to be 16 to apply for a job? Where I live, I think it's 14.


Ohio. You have to be 16 to work part-time in most places. It stinks. -_-



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