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Two Months In 169 Words



1) I went to Philmont in late June, was the Chaplain's Aide and second-in-command kid of the crew. Hiked 75-ish miles, climbed the second-highest mountain in New Mexico, etc. Came back a smelly, tired and messy kid, just to be sent off immediately to...


2) Camp Alton F. Baker, being second-year camp staff.Added authority and privileges since I'm senior staff now, and again was in the ecology area. Put up with little brats, expelled a couple people, was troop guide for the council troop's National Jamboree scoutmaster, teased other junior staff, was teased in turn by the medic and dining hall steward, led maintenance projects, and made the world a better place (hah!).


3) Got my driver's license! Woo! Now shopping for a car...


4) Went back to Baker for Cub Scouts. Twice. Did one trip by myself in a solo drive. Yay!


5) Back to normality. Finishing my Eagle project, prepping for school (senior year), and starting my quest for college scholarships. Also rebooting my BZP career.




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So... you were busy? :P


Good luck on the Eagle Project, and if need help, just ask, since I've been down that road and I've learned a lot from those meetings.

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Kohila, I'm prolly one of the few people who could live for a year in the woods and feel perfectly at home. :P



Thanks, Zor. =D



Not really, um, uh, Mr. Spock. It's just a title, and while it does carry some authority, it's useless anywhere else. Nobody really cares what I am where, anyways. XD



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