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[/in An Artist Mood]

Lady Kopaka


Ok, I didn't murder it, I organized it. So hopefully I'll be able to reply to PM's faster and stuff...Yeah. :P So everyone, glomp me with PM's. Because it really feels that I was so bad at not replying to PM's earlier, I've might have hurt people’s feelings. ;_;


Let me see how I can make this a decent post without killing everyone with my longwinded entries...


On an art note, I am really glad everyone enjoyed the new art update. I really wasn’t expecting my new Indy Toa picture to be that good, but the only reason I didn't like it was because of his right foot, looks way to skinny.

While I liked my Hahli picture and is proud on the coloring, I agree on whoever commented it, the mask didn't end that well.

And the 'Dark Toa' seems to be another successful picture, I really loved how the coloring ended up, but I don't think his feet matched his evil looking...ness.

And I finally found my request in my other sketchbook. I will be scanning one, and then I will color it. BUT, I have decided that the other will have to be redone, I really don't like how it’s turning...But I am back in the mood for drawing lots of Bionicle, so you guys might get updates faster.


Though I have been thinking....And a thinking'....


Should I reopen my request list soon? ^^


EDIT: Forgot to point out, I'm working on making weekly tutorials for those billions of people who have asked me for art tips. ;)


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On the off chance that I'll get done my ED epic done anytime soon (*stifles a laugh*), re-opening that request list might not be a bad idea; I finally came up with designs for prequel characters! :D


Anyways, I haven't checked out your new art yet, but I will after dinner;


And the 'Dark Toa' seems to be another successful picture, I really loved how the coloring ended up, but I don't think his feet matched his evil looking...ness.


because if there's anything like ^THAT anywhere, I MUST look at and comment. I love dark stuff. :P

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reopen the list! i BEG of you! and yes, i did say that Hahlis mask, and i'm not sure i could't distunguish any features on the Dark Toa. Yay! i can't wait for Eragon! i am OBSESSED with that book!
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