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Gumbo Baby!

Lady Kopaka


*Decides to blog before she must go to bed*


Ok, mega awesome day today! I will try my best to keep it simple. XD


Ok, after a sleepover we had on Friday night (btw, awesome), we left for the veterans parade. Let me tell you it was small, but really fun to watch. Candy goes everywhere, big marching bands, horses....Oh and old guys driving go-carts. No seriously.


It was fun, and then after the parade, we went over to a local place called the 'Kent House', where everything and everyone(workers of course) are dressed up in 18th century style, lots of history, fun and best part...food.


Couldn't resist KIE. :lol:


I was going to get some Jambalaya, but it was sold out by the time I got some. ;_; So I got myself a nice warm bowl of spicy gumbo with rice...Mmhh!


Another cool thing was that this really popular chef down 'ere was there. I can't remember his name...dadnabit.

But anyway, my mom must love his cooking or something, because she wanted to get a picture with him. XD! But she was to chicken to ask. *Pokes fun of mom*


Oh yeah, and my dad and a whole bunch of others were the 'Village Players'. All dressed up and playing some of the greatest folk (Am I using the right words? -_-) music, dad brought and played his banjo/guitar. It was real fun to watch and the music was great.



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I love being Southern. :lol:


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Guest Phyoohrii: Dark Hunter Hunter


I'm almost as south as you can get. :P

Veterans Parade...is that for Rememberance Day or something? 11th of the 11th?

Anywho, that sounds awesome. Food...spicy food...


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I was in our Parade, with the MB...


Our MB needs to grow... >.<


Speaking of Southern, I'm so going to abuse my American-Australian duel citizenship someday. :P

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Veterans Parade...is that for Rememberance Day or something? 11th of the 11th?

Veterans Day. ;)


Was it seafood? Or chicken & sausage?

Chicken&Sausage. :D Even if it was good, it doesn't beat my moms cooking.

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Eh, my southern heritage really only makes itself know ... three or four times a year. Whenever I go to Alabama to visit all my southern relatives. But, my parents are southern all the time! :P Though, of course I'm proud of my southern heritage.

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You sound very hyper, cool! I'm having fun, well, rather cold fun up where i live (brrrrr) i hope it snows! i really do hope it snows, that would be amazing. Wow, if your mom was to chicken to ask that guy musta been important, now most of the time moms will do anything their children think is embarassing, but this must have been important, wow. I'm possibly going to see Eragon at midnight on the first showing! (OMGosh) it's gonna rock, it will be me and people from my church. What are your Eragon arrangments?


Oh and it seems your very proud of your southern heritage, but KNOWONE is more proud of their heritage than i am (go african american heritage!!!!! whoot whoot!, well i am scottish, and.. well... Irish, but I'm mostly african american!!!)



EDIT: and when did you start posting in blue? I think it rocks but i don't remember you doing so in de' past.


:s: uletu :infected:

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