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Will Be On Hiatus For Awhile!

Lady Kopaka


Computer is moving out of my room and into the living room or something. T_T Mom and Dad thinks I am not doing well enough in school and is blaming the computer and me drawing all the time. They also think I am not social enough, and do not have enough responsibility.


...I do partly agree with them that the computer is the blame, it is terribly hard to do school when a computer is staring at you...and yes, I am getting a little behind in school.


But they expect me to do all the school work like its nothing, and I never get encouraged, mom and dad are always to busy to help me...


It's times like this I wish I was in a public school or something. >>


So, yeah...I will not be on the computer that much or not at all. So I am sorry. And don't say it's not my fault because it is. They have given me plenty of chances to prove that I was mature enough to do all my school and be more organized, and I screwed up every time.


Also, I will be gone for a week up to Tennessee for thanksgiving, so I am leaving tomorrow.


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Where in Tennesse? I live right on the bordor of Tennessee and Georgia by Chattanooga.


Too bad you won't be on the compy that much, but you gatta do what you gotta do. :)





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Oh man, I identify with you. My parents blame my insociality on my computer, my drawing habits, my writing habits and any sort of free thinking, and they blame it for anything bad I do. My computer's here in the dining room, which we only use for festivities. So anyways, I hope you aren't delayed too long. And you can't blame yourself. Sometimes schoolwork comes second when a little thing called 'having a life' gets in the way. I'd rather be a free-thinking, bookwriting, Lego-building nerd than a rigid, humorless drone with a Master's degree from Harvard or whatever. So just go with the flow.
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Oy, I'm behind on some stuff too. The computer is part of the problem, because it's kind of harder to focuse on a computer. And, my parents blame my lack of social-ness on the fact that I'm homeschooled. Every kid in my homeschool group is younger than me, so they think I'm unhappy from not having any kids my age to hang out with. <_< But, no matter how many times I say I'm okay, they always ask me. Again, and again, and again.


Anyway, I hope you'll be able to get your computer back soon! :)

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Don't wish for public school. In public school, we kids have the same problems.


I don't think it's right for your parents to place the blame on your drawing, or your social life. I'm somewhat antisocial as well, but that's because all of my former friends have rebuked me. And teenagers these days are increasingly hard to count as friends, what with all the drugs and... other problems. And what you do is more than just drawing. You make art, and it's something to be admired.


I'm not saying it isn't your fault, but your parents shouldn't deny you your interests, and you don't need to go so hard on yourself.

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Man, I hope your back on. I want to see more of your work. Its amazing. :(


My poarents are the same way. If i screw up, then i get something taken away (if i'm lucky, i'm left with reading :( ) this isn't that harsh

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It is so hard too now. Cuase we are lerning stuff our parents have never seen. Thogh I find it odd they can do trig but not plotting pints on graphs or find the slope and make equtions. I ahet how people just for the fun of torturing kids.....Made simple concepts hard.

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Guest Phyoohrii: Dark Hunter Hunter


Indeed. Computers are like the Ring of Power. They cause you damage, and you may hate them at times for playing up, but you still adore them. It cannot be helped.

...that's possibly the worst analogy I've ever made. :P

We wait for your return...


IPB Image

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Same thing happened to me last year. Don't worry, LK. Your parents know best, and you should respect that. It'll help you a lot with your studies.


We won't forget ya. *crosses heart* :D



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Thats sad :( you will be on at least SOME times won't to you, and, well my parents think that i'm on the CP to much also, but they can't do anything about it! My CP's in my basement! Well i hope you'll be on sometimes.



:s: uletu :crying:

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