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Revisionist History Gone Too Far



The Texas State Board of Education review committee is preparing to vote on a draft of proposed standards for history textbooks. Noting that the draft has "nothing about liberals," the Houston Chronicle reported:


The first draft for proposed standards in United States History Studies Since Reconstruction says students should be expected "to identify significant conservative advocacy organizations and individuals, such as Newt Gingrich, Phyllis Schlafly and the Moral Majority." [...] Others have proposed adding talk show host Rush Limbaugh and the National Rifle Association.




The 15-member committee, stacked with 10 Republicans, is expected to vote along party lines. Earlier this year, a panel of right-wing "experts" produced a report urging the committee to remove biographies of George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Stephen F. Austin, César Chávez, and instead add history about the "motivational role the Bible and the Christian faith played in the settling of the original colonies."


No, just no. You do not rewrite history, especially when it's for something as petty, idiotic and unimportant as fitting your small, insignificant, narrow-minded, partisan little political parties' view of the world. I don't care what party you're from. Democrat, Republican, Green Party, Socialist Party, Nazi Party, rewriting history to block out important people and emphasize an organization with as few noteworthy contributions to US history as the NRA or Rush Limbaugh of all people, should be a crime against human society and the future generations of this world, even if it is only for Texas.


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Do it to Julia! Do it to Julia!


Uh... yeah, this is ridiculous. Removing Lincoln and Washington in favor of Limbaugh and the NRA??? :wacko:


I'm a Christian and I hate when these kinds of things come up, because then a lot of people assume all Christians are unreasonable cool dudes that want to rewrite history (or whatever).


- Sidorak


EDIT: Heh, "cool dudes," completely forgot about BZP's filter during my 2-month hiatus. :P

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because then a lot of people assume all ______ are ______

You know what they say about assuming stuff: makes a "donkey" out of u and me. :P


I don't have a problem with someone's reality filter being out of kilter (hey, that rhymes!), but I draw the line at trying to impose one's own fact-challenged worldview on a generation of impressionable kids.


While my top marks in secondary school were in maths and sciences, I actually found history to be more interesting a subject. My History 12 course was just about the only course in high school that really challenged me. (My school was mostly made up of rednecks, the least academically-oriented of the three secondary schools in town.) I barely passed, but it actually was my favourite subject. :D


I was just talking with a friend of mine about the similarities and differences between the Finnish and Canadian public education systems. (Turns out there are a lot.) I feel like I got off easy going to school in Canada, although I am a little jealous of the higher-evolved Finnish system. But, gods, I thank my lucky stars I wasn't stuck to rot in the American system. Whew!


Yes, I am aware that the above betrays an inexcusible level of prejudice and ignorance on my part. My apologies to aaaaaalll y'all Americans who feel proud of your haeh-quality public school edjication. All five of you. :P



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because then a lot of people assume all ______ are ______

You know what they say about assuming stuff: makes a "donkey" out of u and me. :P

True. :P And I like what you did there with the "____" blanks, very clever. For this story it's Christians pushing Christianity, I suppose for other events like this it might be different.


I don't have a problem with someone's reality filter being out of kilter (hey, that rhymes!), but I draw the line at trying to impose one's own fact-challenged worldview on a generation of impressionable kids.

Same here. And to be honest, I think forcing your religion on ANYONE is a recipe for failure. Preaching Christianity everywhere is not going to win any converts. Faith is a personal thing, and no one is going to change their religious beliefs because I had a conversation with them. A more reasonable approach would simply be to have a strong command of the Bible, be a positive example to your friends, and if they have a question about your religion or are having a hard time with something in life, be able to give them sound advice (not quote random Bible verses).


Sorry for getting sidetracked... :P Mods, please let me know if I'm delving too far into religion here.


While my top marks in secondary school were in maths and sciences, I actually found history to be more interesting a subject. My History 12 course was just about the only course in high school that really challenged me. (My school was mostly made up of rednecks, the least academically-oriented of the three secondary schools in town.) I barely passed, but it actually was my favourite subject. :D


I was just talking with a friend of mine about the similarities and differences between the Finnish and Canadian public education systems. (Turns out there are a lot.) I feel like I got off easy going to school in Canada, although I am a little jealous of the higher-evolved Finnish system. But, gods, I thank my lucky stars I wasn't stuck to rot in the American system. Whew!

Yes, our system is deeply flawed. I could talk (read: rant) about this for hours; I turned in a 20-page report last June about how the American school system needs to be completely restructured. I go to a public school in California, where we have a budget crisis. Money is being wasted on useless programs, teachers are getting paid next to nothing, etc. Yet I am surprised at the number of GREAT teachers I have had the past 11 years. For a smart person to enter a system where they know they will not be promoted or receive a professional salary is pretty incredible, and I have a lot of respect for them.


Yes, I am aware that the above betrays an inexcusible level of prejudice and ignorance on my part. My apologies to aaaaaalll y'all Americans who feel proud of your haeh-quality public school edjication. All five of you. :P

Anyone who thinks the American school system is high-quality is in denial. If you're actually into this sort of thing, I'd suggest reading Smart Kids, Bad Schools by Brian Crosby. It's a good book that outlines a top-to-bottom plan for rethinking the American school system.


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I just hope it doesn't mess with the kids education.

Other than that, I think it's rediculous, but don't really care

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I just hope it doesn't mess with the kids education.

Other than that, I think it's rediculous, but don't really care

you know the make about 50% of the text books used in the US right?

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