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Premier Membership Get!



Yep, I'm Premier! =D



Anyway, onto business:


Yesterday was my birthday.


Also yesterday, I went for my senior pictures. The photographer was pretty cool. I had to wear a tux for it, and I must say, I look quite dashing in a tux. tongue.gif


My friend Josh preordered Batman: Arkham Asylum for me on Steam. So I'll be getting that on the 15th of September. Some problems though: My computer lags like crazy playing it (I played the demo) AND I'll need to delete a lot of stuff to make room. I gues that'll be HL2 and it's episodes, and Gmod, since that's useless without them. sad.gif I want a better computer.


I got 4 CDs from my mom yesterday. She said she ordered more, but they were on backorder. The 4 I got yesterday are:







Map progress is... almost nothing. I did most of the texturing, and 2 respawn rooms are done. Also, skyboxes hate everyone. I keep getting an error with them, and apparently it's a problem that happens to everyone. There's a way to fix it, but that involves downloading prgrams that I don't have room on my hard drive for.



School starts Monday! Man, I really don't wanna go. My schedule (which can change before school starts) is:


Period 1 - Economics and Government (College) - Days 1 through 6

Period 2 - English 12 (College) - Days 1 through 6

Period 3 - Calculus - Days 1 through 6

Period 4 - Computer Programming - Days 1 through 6

Period 5 - Computer Applications - Days 1 through 6

Period 6 - Physical Education (aka Gym Class) - Days 1 & 3

Period 7 - Advanced Physics Lab - Day 1

Period 8 - Advanced Physics - Days 1 though 6


Calculus and Adv. Physics are considered "Honors" level courses, the highest. "College" level courses are in the middle, and "Career" courses are the lowest. Any empty period will be filled with Study Halls.



That's probably the most typing I've done all summer. tongue.gif




Recommended Comments


Of course you looked dashing in a tuxedo. It's the whole point. And welcome to my world, both that of the Premiers and that of the guys who like to wear Tuxes! Congratulations on making to your senior year, and don't forget to be walk into the school like you own the place. Aim for Valedictorian or Salutatorian while you're at it.


As a matter of fact, girls should totally wear tuxedos too, but that's just me. I'm strange that way.


Live long and prosper.

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I have no clue what my rank is, although it was high. I haven't been in every single advanced class (like a select few rarities) but I say that I still have a chance. Other people are saying I have a chance. I'm quite inspired to give it my all and go above and beyond the call of duty.


Live long and prosper.

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