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That is an awesome Tahu. Tahu was, and still is, my all time favorite Bionicle. It does full justice to the original.


The white is also pretty nice. The thing around the head is a nice addition that I've never seen before.

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The white one is pretty crazy, but I love it. :3


And I'm not a huge fan of the black Rahkshi foot on Tahu, but I don't know how it'd look in red. =\

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I am IN AWE of that upper torso area. The synergy between Pakari and hockey helmet is amazing. The rest of it has some rather inspired designs, too, but I think it tries without really getting quite -there-. [/TahuEnvy]


Random White Guy is random. Its forearm makes good use of that beloved misfit part, the original Toa leg. Am mystified as to how the shoulders attach. Not sure what to make of the neckbox. (Neck brace? But why is it covering his mouth? :wacko:)


I concur with Cags. This builder's forte is definitely in the mecha. *whistles @ pic*



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Looks like Kwi-Chan. Too bad these aren't as impressive as last year's. Where is my beloved Orange Kanohi shoe girl builder GM?


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You didn't post the best one. saddowns.gif



His brother's cooler.

That's the same dude? But I saw that on Flickr before.... Japs usually don't Flickr....


@Cags yeah I saw that one I just forgot to post it and didn't really want to post three pictures. I felt two was already a bit much. >>

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Random White Guy is random. Its forearm makes good use of that beloved misfit part, the original Toa leg. Am mystified as to how the shoulders attach. Not sure what to make of the neckbox. (Neck brace? But why is it covering his mouth? :wacko:)

I think it has to do with Metruan limbs....


Looks like Kwi-Chan. Too bad these aren't as impressive as last year's. Where is my beloved Orange Kanohi shoe girl builder GM?

Hey she's mine. >=(


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You didn't post the best one. saddowns.gif



His brother's cooler.

That's the same dude? But I saw that on Flickr before.... Japs usually don't Flickr....


@Cags yeah I saw that one I just forgot to post it and didn't really want to post three pictures. I felt two was already a bit much. >>

It's not. Completely different MOCers. At least the Japanese guy didn't end up using that stupid stepped curve thing. Ends up looking like poo

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You didn't post the best one. saddowns.gif



His brother's cooler.

That's the same dude? But I saw that on Flickr before.... Japs usually don't Flickr....


@Cags yeah I saw that one I just forgot to post it and didn't really want to post three pictures. I felt two was already a bit much. >>

It's not. Completely different MOCers. At least the Japanese guy didn't end up using that stupid stepped curve thing. Ends up looking like poo

On the inside of the lower legs? Yeah, but the separation from the upper and lower body = :3

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You didn't post the best one. saddowns.gif



His brother's cooler.

That's the same dude? But I saw that on Flickr before.... Japs usually don't Flickr....


@Cags yeah I saw that one I just forgot to post it and didn't really want to post three pictures. I felt two was already a bit much. >>

It's not. Completely different MOCers. At least the Japanese guy didn't end up using that stupid stepped curve thing. Ends up looking like poo

On the inside of the lower legs? Yeah, but the separation from the upper and lower body = :3

no no no, on the arms


Also the torso connections suck, having all the load on the pistons is bad. Needs some sort of central trunk.

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Looks like Kwi-Chan. Too bad these aren't as impressive as last year's. Where is my beloved Orange Kanohi shoe girl builder GM?

Hey she's mine. >=(


Grah I challenge you to deathmatch for her


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