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The Color Of Stone

ToM Dracone


If you're wondering about the title ... I shall be discussing it in a review of Hewkii, followed by thoughts on Carapar.


Toa Hewkii


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The first thing everyone noticed about Hewkii was his color. He's not dark orange; he's not tan; he's not even brown – he's iron grey and yellow-orange. I accepted the other Inika's color schemes – dark red and bright gold aren't far from red and yellow; white and ice blue are ideal for a Toa of Ice, although I miss sand blue; Hahli's swirled pieces look great; and Nuparu and Kongu are at least still some shade of grey and green. But Hewkii isn't anywhere close to his old self. No shade of grey has been in a Stone set other than as a uniform secondary color. Yellow-orange is an extreme stretch from dark orange and tan and doesn't even slightly resemble brown.


It's a reasonable argument to boost sales by changing the worst-selling set color, but ... you don't do it when you're using an old character everyone knows by his color scheme! Hafu isn't a logical choice for Jaller's team of Matoran, but black to iron grey isn't very far. All the other Inika use a standard color for their element, but Hewkii isn't so much as brown.


And yet at the same time ... I do love both colors Hewkii uses. A plethora of iron grey is awesome, even if I prefer it on Jovan to Hewkii. Additional yellow-orange is nothing to scoff at either, as with Oohnorak, Keetongu, Balta, and Umbra (a cheaper source for some from the Battle for Metru Nui) there's now enough to make an MOC using the color well. They just aren't Hewkii.


Aside from Technic pins and axles, Hewkii has exactly six pieces not new to the Inika: five sockets and a new ball piece. I'm not objecting, though – the stock of iron grey is great, with the notable new coloration of iron grey Vahki legs. His chain was also a large part of what made me get him. I still loathe the Sanok, but it would be very effective as shoulder armor. And I still wish his Zamor were red. The CGI pictures show them as bright red! His axe lights up red! Although they look good with the rest of his color scheme, they really should have been colored as advertised. Now they look like they're filled with orange juice ...


Identity aside, his negative points are the same as Matoro's: his arms are too long, shoulders far too wide, and his chest armor is still terrible. It's far too flat, and also too square. It doesn't flow at all, which it would if Lego hadn't put the pistons on either side ... I still wonder why they did that; it doesn't work in the slightest ... And I maintain that clawed feet belong on the Hordika, not the Inika.


Overall ... I like the set. Iron grey and yellow-orange are both great colors, and the chain complements the set well. But the chest armor is too wide, the Sanok looks like a tire tread, and it most definitely does not look like Hewkii in any way. It's a good set, especially in the iron grey; they just chose the wrong character for it to be.


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And now to the title of this entry: the color of stone. Specifically the Stone-element sets. You just don't go and change one of the six principal colors of the storyline. Stone and its corresponding villains have always been brown. Stone comes in many colors, but in Bionicle its elemental color is assigned to be brown. Back in 2001, the principal colors were brown and tan, colors that matched the deserts of Po-Wahi and the village of Po-Koro. All of the characters matched their environments: although Air has no color, Lewa, Matau, and the Le-Koronans were bright green and teal like the forest they lived in. Tahu, Vakama, and Jala were red, orange, and yellow like fire, but some Ta-Matoran had black like volcanic rock. The Onu- and Po-Koronans shared some colors because Earth and Stone went hand-in-hand. The CGI animations of the Toa augmented this, as their colors surrounded them.


When Metru Nui came around, the colors still made sense. Darker blue, green, and red in an industrious city, accompanied by the bluish grey of metal. The more earthen, lighter brown of Po-Metru worked well, alongside silver like the Silver Sea and the solid protodermis that made up the city.


But now ... brown has been changed to yellow-orange. Velika was brown. So was Avak. Yet Hewkii has a secondary color of yellow-orange with no brown present, and Carapar uses yellow-orange as a main color. I've gotten used to Hewkii, but Carapar's canister picture made him look brown – and he looked great. Spiky, thick armor in a ... natural color for a shelled sea creature. Brown goes well with grey, which Carapar uses in his arms, shins, and feet – I loved how he looked; he just looked hard, as well as hard to defeat.


But yesterday he was revealed to be yellow, the new replacement color for the ever-faithful brown of Po-Wahi. Yellow-orange doesn't work unless it's all the main color (like Keetongu) or all the secondary color (Hewkii and Oohnorak). But Carapar is half yellow-orange and half grey, a very awkward combination. Brown, being darker than grey, would have still looked great in that combination, but yellow is lighter than grey, and so it would only have worked were Carapar yellow-orange all the way through. He would have been totally awesome in brown, like my first reaction, but his armor looks odd in yellow-orange. Since brown is a much ... harder, more warriorlike color than yellow-orange, it fits the warlord (and impenetrable) nature of Carapar.


And finally, one thing that's always been aesthetically pleasing about Bionicle was that the main colors all worked together and balanced out. There were six main colors, with secondary and tertiary colors to fit the element and setting. No one color drew attention to itself, partly because all the Toa had black hips and shoulders with grey gears and heads. But now there's no uniform color that works well with everything like those, and yellow-orange as a main color just stands out, particularly against the darkness of most of the other Barraki.


It worked well on Oohnorak because all the Visorak had vibrant secondary colors, and it was even good with Hewkii's color scheme because it was contrasted by his armor. But it's just too bright as a main color on the Barraki, dark creatures from the deeps of the sea ... where the darker brown would have made much more sense.


Yellow-orange isn't a bad color ... but brown is the established color of stone. Yellow-orange is just too bright to join the array of red, green, blue, black, and white ... especially not to replace brown.

– ToM


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I sort of agree. Hewkii was sort of nice, because he contained two colors that were severely underused (Yellow-Orange and Iron Grey), and I have been waiting for more continuity in brown sets (there are now three colors of brown, plus yellow-orange), but the yellow orange does not work for Carapar. Sentrakh worked well with yellow-orange as a main color, but otherwise brown works better for villains. It would probably even be better if brown was a secondary color on him, but now he looks almost like Keetongu, and Keetongu looks like a good guy. Carapar is still my favorite Barraki, but I would have liked him better in Avak brown.

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Everyone is so upset about the colopr change! Honestly, dous it make any more sense to make Vakama Dark Red as a Toa? Not really. Keep in mind that the tan on Po-Matoran was actually changed to be more yellow in the movies. The feet are indeed a bit odd, but you made one complaint that I will not allow: You complained about practical pistons.


As you may be aware, there are two types of piston: Practical, which would actually assist the poseability of the sets if replaced with a real piston, and impractical, which exists only for decoration. Practical pistons were at their peak in 2001, as is evidenced in the Toa Mata torsos and legs, and in 2006, on the Piraka torso, which is one of the most effective uses to date. The pistons on Hewkii's chest armor are practical: an implied pliability along the supporting frame of his center column allows them to compress the abdomen, allowing it to bend from side to side, or (since there is a 360 degree pivot on the upper end of the piston) backwards and forwards.


Alas, the best practical pistons on the Inika are on the shoulders and underarms, allowing the shoulder joint to pivot up and down.


I agree that Carapar would be better in brown (or even copper, as is seen in the Wookie Catamaran set). However, keep in mind that it is hard to use brown for MOCing in any of its three forms, whereas yellow-orange is in a multitude of sets.


With all due respect,

:vahi: Aanchir: Rachira of Time


EDIT: You know what set really should have been brown? Vezon & Fenrakk. We need more brown Titans, and the dinky little brown piece on V&F just doesn't suffice.

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Excellent points, Aanchir – it's very true that the side-pistons are practical. But they aren't aestheticly pleasing. The original Toa had pistons that were both practical and aesthetic (another reason I love them; the pistons actually have functions in their animations), but Hewkii's just stick out too much. I don't think they should disappear entirely, but it should have them inside the armor rather than on the outside. Basically, in the triangular gap between the flares on either side of the midriff and the upper body. Then they would have been both practical and aesthetic, as they would support the body but flow with it at the same time, like the Toa Mata's did.


I actually don't remember my thoughts on the Toa Metru when we first saw them – I think they looked so cool that the colors just worked well. We had already seen the Matoran in those color schemes, so it was natural that the Toa should follow. But in that instance, Vakama was still at least a shade of red, as were all the Toa Metru, whereas here Hewkii has an entirely new main color (iron grey rather than dark orange).


I would love a brown titan ... but I personally don't find it that hard to MOC in brown. Toa Tiome is a prime example. It's just a matter of finding the right pieces, like from Pewku and the Star Wars Hailfire Droid. (And the Destroyer Droid, although I don't have that ...)


~ ToM

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There's a thought.Revamping hewkii.Or just a whole new inika of stone,alot of options to choose from.(entire po-wahi population)This could keep me busy for a while.especially cause I need to buy some sets with brown,tan or more metallicgrey,wich would be just makuta.Ugh,I've got to many WIP's ,whenever I start finishing one,somehow I end up with something to use in a new character.I have 6 characters to finish,and have like 15 weapon design's lying around.(hammers,spears,staffs, and more...)




Oh,incase you overlooked it,I posted in the entry"ave kanohi" and it be a bummer if you overlooked it.

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