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Back From Hiatus



After ceasing this blog's use three years ago and leaving BZP a year later, I have finally found my way back here. You may have (but probably haven't) noticed me on the boards over the past couple of weeks, and after gradually increasing my activities from lurking to posting I've decided to resume blogging here as well.


As my interest in Bionicle has waned somewhat over the years, my main reason for coming back is for the community aspect of the site (there are so many cool people here; YOU ARE ONE OF THEM) and the fact that this place holds a lot of fond memories for me. :3 However, I still like Bionicle; my knowledge of the storyline and set names is just a lot less detailed than it used to be back in The Old Days. :P *feels old*


Anyway, there are a couple of other things I'd like to say in this entry.


First of all, the fourth incarnation of my most fondly-remembered topic/hangout/group has finally been posted (interestingly, this event coincides with my return): the BZPower Girls' Corner IV is now up and running (we're having a couple of issues with spammers at the moment, but things should calm down with a little time). If you are a girl and are reading this, you should go there and hang out for a while; even as a guy I've met a lot of great friends there. If you're a guy you're still welcome to take part, but... well, read the first post. :P I look forward to seeing how things develop. ;)


SECONDLY, and you've probably heard this before: GO TO BRICKFAIR 2010 IF AT ALL POSSIBLE. I plan to be there, and a lot of other cool BZPers do too. It will be awesome, and quite possibly the Best Thing Ever.


That's all I have to say for now. As time goes on I'll continue to spruce this place up and will probably use it to post random musings/post links to random musings on other BZP blogs(?).


See you on the forums!


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Welcome back Toro! Doubt Ill make brickfair but it appears that I will be attending brickcon this year.


Dont let your intrests wane! Buy a new set, that usually spruces me right up.


Thanks! :) Ah well, I'm sure BrickCon will be a lot of fun too. :3


I'll have to nab Kiina, Ackar, and Mata Nui sometime... The canister sets this year are pretty impressive IMO.

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