Got this new set at a Fred Meyers sale... only 15% off, so I still didn't get below $10... but still, a sale is a sale. What, oh yeah, a review...
MATA RED! ORANGE!! *Goes off in lala land celebrating*
*comes back* Okay, I think that's probably the most exciting thing about Ackar. His colors. This is one of the things I really liked about Bionicle in the beginning; nice, bright colors. And I died a little bit inside (metaphorically) when 04 came around and we went to dark Metru colors... and stayed with dark Metru colors... year after year... until the memory of Mata colors only came with the pins and axles. Don't get me wrong, I would still rather have Mata green back than Mata red and orange... but this still feels like a victory. Mata colors! Yes!! (Or, I guess, rather the lack of Metru colors. After all, we have seen Mata red and orange come back in the last two years before Ackar)
Now onto the set design... Legs are Inika, except for lower leg armor. (It's nifty, but oh so unstable) Arms are Inika, except with Mahri electro staffs as armor. (Nice addition... I even tried incorporating that into my BrickCon MOCs with the white blades, but eventually scrapped that idea.) Torso... Inika. Okay, with a few changes, this is just a recolored Toa Inika. *facepalm*
Okay, so even while the design, for the most part, is lame and repetitive (even if, you know, it works for mobility and playability) But the colors make it work. Let me go back to this point. Mata red and orange work.
I mean, half of Ackar has to be recolored pieces, which while it lacks in new designs I still approve of. Limb pieces are introduced for the first time in red. Feet, staffs, and thigh armor are now in orange... yes. (Although I think those staffs may have come in orange with those Power Miners sets) (I also though the chest piece was new too... until I saw the same piece laying on my floor, and realized Pohatu came with it on his vehicle).
New stuff... well, the sword is a nice design, reusing the piece from Mata Nui and adding in a cool flames piece. (Is it brand new for Ackar? Oh well, it's new for me.) And the helmet... while small, it looks nice for a fire dude. (Although it's another recolor from Berix, right? I wouldn't know... I didn't buy Berix). And, of course, the new grey hands, which are already a commonplace on sets. (Which I instantly swapped off him for use in one of my MOCs).
So why should you get Ackar? Well, he does have a fairly good heroic look, even if it's mostly a repeat design of the Inika with a few armor modifications. He's also very cool in the movie clips we've seen so far, even for an old, worn out Glatorian. (I mean, who doesn't want to own the costar of TLR?) I feel like there's something else... some other reason... oh yeah... THE COLORS!! MATA RED!! ORANGE!!
But seriously... unless you're a rabid collector or you really desire red and orange (heh, guilty ) Ackar isn't that great of a buy. He's the same basic design that we've gotten bored of recently I would easily recommend Mata Nui or Stronius over him... or even Kinna, who does have a unique design (not that I know from personal experience) He's a cool character, but a mediocre set.
Oh, and MATA RED! ORANGE! (Why am I so excited? Red's not even one of my favorite colors, and it's not like I'm lacking in red pieces)
If you think this is bad, you don't wanna know what's gonna happen if they release a Mata Green set again...
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