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Out With The Old, In With The New



So, yesterday a bunch of things changed, most in my life and one on the blog. Obviously the one on my blog was


New Blog Title

and subtitle. It used to be "OH MY GOD A GIANT TACO!" and now it's An Unusually Large Taco, at least for the time being.


The rest were in my life, and I'll start with the one most relevant to BZPower:


New Computer

In the morning a few days ago I sat down at my computer. For some reason, it was on, but the monitor was not displaying anything. I tried a bunch of stuff, but nothing worked. When my dad got home, he tried a bunch more stuff but still it wouldn't work. The next day, he got it a new hard drive and it worked, but kept restarting and such. Long story short, we got a new computer. This one has Vista.


New Glasses

As someone who has been reading my blog (very few people) may know, I got my eyes dilated recently. This was so I could have my eyes tested so they would know what kind of glasses I need. So yesterday I went and got the glasses that I have been needing for over a year. And it is really weird, everything looks so... 3D. Which it is, of course, but it looks kind of like a 3D movie.


New Haircut

My hair was getting long, so I got a haircut. *cough* That's about it.


New Shoes

I got new shoes. They're grayish.


Yup, that's about it. Oh and also, going to the beach again tomorrow.


Entry too big to be gradient. :o

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