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Replying To The Title



Is it just me, or does anyone else have the urge to make a post based on the topic title and nothing else when the topic seems different from what the title first appears to be? Alas, 'twould be spam, and I don't advocate such behavior. I think of title responses, but I don't advocate actually posting them unless there's something about the actual topic.


©1984-2009 Toaraga EAM


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Occasionally, yeah, I read a title and an awesomely witty response comes to mind. Then I read the topic itself and I find that my response, had it been posted, would've been completely irrelevant and useless. D=
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If the topic is relatively short, I sometimes make reference to the title in my post, but its usually just a side not while I remark about the actual topic at hand. When all I can think of it a witty remark to the title itself and not the discussion, I don't post. (although sometimes I'm temped, because it's such a witty remark. :P )



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Sometimes, yes, as I click on a topic because the title to me sounds interesting. It's annoying when I click on a topic that I would have fun talking about, and then see that the main post has nothing to do with the title. Wastes my time, really.
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