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My cat is fat.

He is very fat.

My cat snores in his sleep sometimes.

He is right now.

This is because he is fat.

It's really weird.

And disturbing somewhat.

Fat fat fat.

Fat cat on mat with hat.

Without rat.

Or hat.

Or mat for that matter.

Just a fat cat.

Fat lot of good he is.

Worst poem ever.

Not even a poem anyway.





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The problem with him is he IS on a diet, yet he still goes down the road and eats the food for other cats. We've tried reasoning with the owner of the other cats but she's too much of a cat lover so she doesn't do anything about it, thinks our cat is adorable. Ha.

As for excersise...he's a cat. Stubborn cat. No go. Although what he gets up to at night is anyone's guess.

So basically he's a greedy lil' bugger.



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My cat is fat; She weighed the equivalent of two-and-a-half cats a few years ago. :P Apparently she's now the weight on one-and-a-quarter cats. :P

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There's a cat that lives near my grandparents, and it's like three or four cats big. It still walks around though!


And my friend's uncle has a cat that's really fat too, but it wrestles with their dog.

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