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mercenary vahki


I give it a 9




out of 20





Hated the first half or so, was okay with the rest (relatively)


The animation was well done, except for the numbered dudes (HEY GUESS WHAT BURLAP CLOTH OR WHATEVER IS NOW ELASTIC OLOLOLO)




seriously it was like all the worst movie cliches packed into the first half hour


if you want details, I'll answer comment questions


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I will wait for it to be on Netflix.


Looks meh to extremes.



Edit: The "THIS IS NOT YOUR LITTLE BROTHER'S ANIMATED FILM" campaign didn't really help either

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I enjoyed it but, well...I think the best summery of it would be, to quote my brother, "It was good, with the potential of being amazing." Seriously, if they had put a little more work into the dialogue and the storyline it would have been an awesome movie. As it is, it's just good, and a bit dissapointing since it had potential to be better.

I loved the art direction and overall concepts, (And I personally liked the animation. I'm not quite following you on the dudes...Could you clarify?) and I thought the cinematography was wonderful, but the story, in my opinion, felt as though they only managed to do a rough draft and could have used a LOT more work, and the conversations seemed as if they merely took every cliche movie quote out there and tried to make them fit into a conversation. (And even then, a lot of the dialogue didn't make sense together...)


So yeah, there's my thoughts of 9 in a nut shell. A potentially awesome movie was made merely "good" due to lack of effort.

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Basically what I mean about the guys is that the fabric that they are made out of, which is clearly firm, stretches whenever they move their face. Also the actual texture was stretched as well, irritating me greatly. It's a relatively small thing, but for some reason it got to me.


And I do think the setting could have been used to create a much greater movie, its just that it was an average kids movie, attempting to be edgy, and failing for the most part.

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