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I suppose if that's what works for you, fair enough. The thing is, AdBlock only blocks ads, but what NoScript does is it blocks everything (by "everything", I mean Java, Flash, JavaScript, etc.) until you specify that you don't want it blocked. For instance, on this Hulu site of yours, you could unblock the video to make it play while keeping a block on the script that makes that "TURN OFF ADBLOCK KTHX" message come up. I use it all the time to filter out ads, popups and the like while leaving the important stuff untouched. It's awesome.
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Hmm...wow, sounds spiffy. Like, it'll block that "Collect Kanoka" banners?

However, it also seems to sound like a hassle to make sure to specify...

I'll look into it.



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Hmm...wow, sounds spiffy. Like, it'll block that "Collect Kanoka" banners?

However, it also seems to sound like a hassle to make sure to specify...

I'll look into it.



Yup. Actually, specifying these things is pretty simple; to activate Flash stuff and the like, such as video players, you just click on where it would be (denoted by the presence of a yellow box with the NoScript logo on it) and it'll activate. You can also set permanent permissions for pages (such as how BZP's various JavaScript functions are automatically allowed for me), but you're sure to learn how to work that yourself soon enough. :happy:

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For like a week and a half, my Adblock Plus -actually blocked- all Hulu ads. That was a pretty sweet time. I hope the Adblock filters update to be able to do that again sometime.


Also, I get "blocked ads" sometimes on other browsers because of my firewall, that 30 second wait can get annoying.


~ :a: :t:

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