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We Will Never Forget



Unless of course we happen to be the local newspaper, because guess what the front pages of two sections, a special section by itself, and a couple more articles were devoted to? Not commemorating 9/11, that's for sure. No, no, apparently Forks and Port Angeles are celebrating Stephenie Meyer Day in conjunction with her Mary Sue's Bella's birthday! This would of course be bad enough by itself, but combined with the paper's almost complete lack of observance of the 9/11 anniversary, I got righteously irked and wrote a letter to the editor:

Does it bother anyone else that, on the anniversary of the worst terrorist attacks ever made against our country, celebrations of an overrated book series with one-dimensional characters, a plot more tenuous than a Chihuahua dangling off a cliff by a strip of two-ply toilet paper, and writing so bad it was specifically denounced by Stephen King took precedence over commemoration of said anniversary? Feel free to prove me wrong, but I would like to believe that most of the PDN's readership cares about 9/11 more than Twilight. But perhaps it's true that money is the greatest motivator, after all.

Not nearly as inflammatory or incoherent as some of what we get, but it's all right. I think of it as a prelude to the column I plan to write soon.


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Wait....are you serious?


They're celebrating Stephanie Meyer Day and completely ignoring the 9.11 terrorist attacks?


Wow....that's got to be one of the lamest things I've heard all day.



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Could be that they figure it was a whole 8 years ago, only a few thousand people died, it's such old hat, over and done with, so why flog a dead horse? Besides, in these highly troubled times, do we really need to bring up more negativity from the past?


Or could be that the mainstream media overall is scared to bring up 9/11 because the truthers have gained too much ground already.



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Could be that they figure it was a whole 8 years ago, only a few thousand people died, it's such old hat, over and done with, so why flog a dead horse? Besides, in these highly troubled times, do we really need to bring up more negativity from the past?


Or could be that the mainstream media overall is scared to bring up 9/11 because the truthers have gained too much ground already.



Yes, but celebrating Twilight in its place? I suppose, though, it is also quite the disaster...

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