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Nur... Again...



Just woke up. So now I've got everything ready, and I'm sitting at the comp, typing.


My neck's still stiff, though. But only a little.




Anyways, I have to agree with Bahrag Kal's comment in my pervoius blog entry. The Joker in the lame doesn't-deserve-to-be-a-TV-show 'The Batman' is pathetic. It's awful. Tacky, too. I mean, you don't take the most classic of villains and just give him an awful puffy green hairdo, freakish muscles, an ugly suit, a deep voice, and a purely comical sense of humor instead of being the dark, twisted, maniacal Joker. I hope 'The Batman''s ratings drop faster than a rock.


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Tell me about. I mean, Wikipedia said that he fights like an ape! AN APE! A cartoon where Apes evolved from men!? Oh, wait........Scratch that, just Joker-In-Name-Only............Even worse, Harley Quinn is a TV psychiatrist who didn't spend anytime with Joker-In-Name-Only, thereby making him a fanboy! They also turned Harley's costume into a freaky marionet puppet looking thing..........

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There are some good aspects of The Batman. But I hate how they potrayed Joker, Penguin,(who appears a bit too often) and Mr.Freeze. The Batman best aspects are probably Killer Croc, Killer Moth, Firefly, and the Clayfaces. I do like the second clayface more though. Toymaker was probaly the worst villain though.

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Ugh, tell me about it......Just take one look at Toy Maker and you can just tell he was inspired by a really bad anime.......Those goggles, that hair, that face..........I don't like how they changed Crock to a genetic engineerin expirement.......I liked it better when he was naturally deformed..........

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They actully never said what Croc was in the cartoon. All we got is some theories by a lackey of his. I cant wait till they actully give him a proper past.

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