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Kool Last Chance, Vulture Alt Names



Two important updates:


1) Last chance to enter the Bohrok Kool contest. Ends this Tuesday at midnight EST! [Edit:] That's just a few hours left!


2) I want to do a poll asking opinions on the best mask name for (what is currently called) Vulture. See my previous blog entry for full details and discussion; basically it's a power that Toa consider immoral, absorbing escaping energies (esp. life energy) from recently dead in your vicinity. Vulture is the name with the most reasons behind it (such as the obvious vulture-like shape of the mask, Vultraz's name, and it's concise, plus it introduces a new naming style of metaphor). But that said, a lot of people are not liking it.


I'm NOT asking for reasons here. There's been plenty of debate about WHY they don't like it, but ultimately all of this is irrelevant -- without a good alternative, it can't change.


Several suggestions so far, but none that Swert or I think is "the one". So, please suggest alternatives. :) Be inventive. The best names will take the mask shape into account (IMO :P). We don't wanna do the poll till we have good options.


We're not saying we'll necessarily agree with the poll results. :P But it would be helpful to know what people think about this in general, or if the complaints are merely from a minority, etc.


For the record, these are the best alternatives so far:










[update: That's eight so far I think are worth voting on. Room for two more. :P]


There may have been other good ones I'm forgetting at this moment; please remind me (the discussions got very long and I don't have time for archeology right now :P).



Another thing I might include as a second question is if we should ask for "The Kanohi Vultraz, the Mask of [insert new power name here]" as a compromise; and then we'd also ask Greg if it could be said that Vultraz himself was named after his mask, or something along those lines. That way we could keep the reference to vultures and to Vultraz himself in the Matoran language name, but use some other name as the English power name.



I think I'll arrange the poll this way, for the record. Three questions:


1) Should the power name of "Vulture" be kept?

-Yes, keep "Mask of Vulture"

-No, use "Mask of [insert alternative]"

-Compromise, use "Kanohi Vultraz, Mask of [insert alternative]"


2) Which alternative is best?

-(ten alternatives listed here)


3) IF (if) the compromise of "Kanohi Vultraz, Mask of [alternative]" is used, which explanation of the character Vultraz is best?

-Vultraz became evil and used that mask shape, calling himself Vultraz after his mask as a codename and rejection of his past life

-Vultraz had the mask from the start (on Makuta Gorast's Tren Krom Peninsula), was named after it, and embraced evil because of it


This arrangement lets us show ten alternatives, not just nine with Vulture.]


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Lol, that's the mask I'm planning on using in my short epic. I agree, Vulture doesn't sound too good, espcecially when I was writing it up. I'll have to check back when you find the perfect name and change it in my story...


Although I have no real good suggestions myself... sorry. :D



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I laughed at vultration, it sounds so silly. [No offense to anyone]


Then again saying Vultraz has the mask of vulture is really awkward. =/






That's all I got.



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It being named the "Mask of Vultraz" just doesn't make sense; why would a Matoran be named after an evil mask?


But I could go for Leeching. Carrion actually crossed my mind too, but it seems a little... morbid.

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It being named the "Mask of Vultraz" just doesn't make sense; why would a Matoran be named after an evil mask?


But I could go for Leeching. Carrion actually crossed my mind too, but it seems a little... morbid.

Could have been that Vultraz had a different mask before he became evil, and then when he did, he started wearing that mask, so people came to associate his name with that mask.


Really, I'm cool with "Vulture." I like the reasoning behind it, and right now the alternatives just don't do it for me.

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If we wanted to get really poetic, "Mask of Transience" or "Mask of Mortality" could work. Not very self-explanatory, though, and probably some of the worse suggestions I've come up with.


"Mask of Carnage" or "Mask of Remains" could also work, in the same sense as Mask of Carrion.


Ooh! Ooh! How about "Mask of Mementoes"? That's possibly the best so far! Right up there with another I just came up with, "Mask of Spoils".


In a more moral sense, there's always "Mask of Desecration".


Anyway, I don't expect all of these to make it to the list, but hopefully some of them will be useful. If you can't tell, Thesaurus.com is now my good great friend.

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It being named the "Mask of Vultraz" just doesn't make sense; why would a Matoran be named after an evil mask?


But I could go for Leeching. Carrion actually crossed my mind too, but it seems a little... morbid.

Could have been that Vultraz had a different mask before he became evil, and then when he did, he started wearing that mask, so people came to associate his name with that mask.


Really, I'm cool with "Vulture." I like the reasoning behind it, and right now the alternatives just don't do it for me.

Also, he is from the Tren Krom Peninsula, ruled (previously :P) by Makuta Gorast, one of the worst of the worst. It's possible Matoran commonly are given "evil shapes" from the beginning there, and he could thus have been named after his evil shape mask to begin with, and this could explain why he became how he became. :) That he basically gave into the implication of wearing that shape on his face. Embraced it, etc.


Both that and what TN said are plausible. I'll probably bring both up and see what Greg thinks -- of course, we can't take it for granted he'll approve the Kanohi Vultraz thing to begin with, so yeah. We'll see.

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Might be too late, but how 'bout Thanatophagy? It describes it exactly without being morbid. 8D

...but the morbidness is half the fun! Besides, Thanatophagy is a lot more obscure than necrophagy, and to my knowledge isn't a real word (although it has a very logical derivation),

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Ugh, I dunno 'bout you, but I am not a fan of morbidness. :P


Besides, obscureness is is the other half of the fun! 8D


And as bones himself said, if it's not a word, make it one.

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