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The Driver


Tuesday the 20th of June.

I puke my guts out.

Yes the day before the behated testweek I feel as sick as a tree plagued by fungi.



I don't know what caused it either, I haven't eaten anything risky.

Just my usual bread-breakfast with tea, more bread on school and some Icetea.

What I do know is that I have this horrible mixture of acid fumes in my nose and that my mouth tastes like a radioactive wasteland.


On top of that, I have a dozen or so things I need to round up for school which I will hopefully start on today.







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sickness is never fun. ever. it's not even mildly fun. it's so incredibly bad adjectives do not describe.


hope ya get better.

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The end of the year grind is a real pain. Just keep the ultimate goal in mind: summer vacation's coming up fast!


I hope you feel better, and good luck with all that testing.

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Thanks dudes, you're all dudes right :P?


Anyway, just had my first test; German.

And in about an hour an a half it will be a Dutch listening test.



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Du sprichst Deutsch? Ich auch!


Okay, so after two years of German, I'd say my vocab is still somewhat limited... I suppose I could put together a decent paragraph if I wanted, but I lack the motivation right now.

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Ja, "Ich" ist "I" in Englisch.


Yes, "Ich" is "I" in English.


I actually do pretty well in German... though my final exam was tough, and I never found out how I did because my teacher didn't come to school after that :unsure: .

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