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the other night I attended an all-night bible study with two of my good friends. essentialy, we stayed up all night and did fun things, like go watch the football team play in a nearby town and play games and eat food. I did not get to attend the first part, because i had to work and couldn't meet the group in time to see the foot ball game. so at a quarter to midnight I went to the bible study leader's house, which is right next to the church, and i visited with his wife, and talked with her about her latest book, until everyone else got back.


I met the group back at the church at midnight, and ate snacks with them and caught up on what happened. at some point my two friends came up to me and told me they were going to be on their team, which confused me as i had no idea what they were talking about.


Then the bible leader (I'll call him Commader, to protect his identity) led us all up to the church library, and told us we were going to play a game: Sardines. you know, that one game where someone hides and then everyone looks for them and when someone finds them, they have to hide with them, and it goes on until everyone is packed together like sardines? yeah, that game. there were two doors in the library, one that led inside, and one that led outside. the hider went out one door, and had two minutes to hide. then we all went out whatever door we wanted, and set out to find the hider. we played several rounds of that, which was really fun because we were playing in the dark, with all the lights off. at one point I heard a bunch of people screaming, and I found out later that Commander had scared them in the dark. I was the hider in the last round, and I had the best hiding place of all: right behind the door that led inside. that particular door led into a hallway. it led left into the rest of the building, and it went right for a short way, and led to Commander's office, which was off limits, so of course no one thought about looking right of the door, in the most obvious place in the world. only a few people found me, and complimented me on my hiding place.


then we had a cooking competition, losing team doing the dishes. we lost. probably would have helped we were more organized.


then we went swimming. and at this point i had been up for almost 24 hours, and ended up dozing in a pool chair. when I woke up half an hour later, most of the kids had gone home. I called Mom for a ride, and thanked Commander for a great time, and said that we should do it again. then I went home and got a few hour's worth of sleep.



on another note, I was thinking of going to Brickcon. but Dad's already got something planned for that weekend. I looked online and tried to figure out where Brickfest will be this year. I'm not totally sure, but it looks like it will be in Arkansas. I'm not going all the way to arkansas. so it looks like I'm stuck in way of Lego Conventions for a while.


any Ideas?


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...Brickfest in Arkansas? Last time I checked, it was Virgina like it always has been.


I think it was in portland last year. maybe I'm getting these lego conventions mixed up...

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