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Wrinkledlion X


So, sorry I haven't updated much lately, but I've been busy.


I started school on Thursday, and it's gone well so far. I have better people in my classes this year, unlike last year when, by pure chance, I got absolute strangers in most of my classes. My teachers are pretty cool, too:


Physics Honors - A really cool, funny guy who basically spends the whole period entertaining the students. Also, he likes a certain stick figure-based webcomic that has a jumble of four letters for its title and I'm sure that if you've ever read it you know what I'm talking about and if not just ignore this sentence. Point is, he's cool.

AP European History - Another cool guy. He's also funny on occasion, but not as constantly as my Physics teacher. He makes up for it by telling really good stories for practically the whole period, though. Technically they're "lectures," but he teaches through narratives, so it's really fun and entertaining.

Algebra 2 Honors - I haven't really spoken with her. On the first day she was pretty much silent and just had us do a bunch of math review problems. My sister tells me, however, that when she was in her class, she was a bit of a psychopath and had a feud with a neighboring math teacher that escalated into a screaming match and broken windows. After a while the two of them were moved to classrooms on the opposite side of the school. (...So this will either be a terrible class or a really entertaining one. Let's wait and see.)

Animation 2 - I already know this teacher. He's cool.

Spanish 2 - Seems like a good teacher. Pretty straightforward and no-nonsense. Her class is always totally silent, though. Completely.

English 2 Honors - This is the only one I've taken a disliking to already. She's always, constantly smiling in a way that strikes me as really fake, and she's already assigned us a ton of work. On Friday I had to take a 100-question test on our Summer reading books, and now I have an in-class essay to do tomorrow. LAME.


In other news, I've switched over to Google Chrome.

At first I didn't see much different from Firefox besides a slightly cooler aesthetic, but now I'm discovering all the cool features it has. For example, hitting Shift+Esc brings up a special task manager that allows you to see how much individual websites you have open are taxing your CPU. And, of course, being Google-made, you can use Google search directly from the URL bar. Plus there are lots of skins that have cool designs and stuff besides just boring color changes. I'm using default right now, but they're still neat to have as options.


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Yanno you can change Firefox (I even think it comes default) that the Awesome Bar searches or I'm Feeling Lucky's what you type in it....


I like Chrome, but I have so many add-ons for Firefox, it'd make my day so much less useful if I switched. =/

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you can use Google search directly from the URL bar

If the thing I type in isn't a website, firefox does this for me. Either that, or it redirects me to a page that is close, so that's handy.


I'd love to try Chrome, but they don't have it for mac yet, do they?



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