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Weight Of Failure



Whoever designed the Mighty Mouse should be fired.




Seriously they must be made for midgets or something. They are tiny and mostly useless and do not fit my hand at all.


But I'm using one.


"But Cags," you ask; "why would you sully your computer with degenerate Apple hardware? Have you no heart?"


I don't, but that's not the reason.


My comfortable mouse has had some sort of ailment these past months, and tends to fall unconscious at random. It's umbilical seems to have snapped internally, requiring careful wire positioning to ensure it stays alive.


It died earlier, and was sent off on a little Viking longboat model along with a lit firecracker. Apparently this happens often, because despite a witness or two, I didn't get arrested or anything silly. But then I have no idea what the firework laws are around here.


For whatever reason the only unused and still working mouse I could find was this Mac thing, and it had a rather impolite spat with my mousepad, which is now sulking off in a corner.


Have I mentioned how tiny this mouse is? Seriously it is tiny. This implies hilarious things, which I am apparently not allowed to go into depth on because it offends the ever-so-sensitive staff. Also now it implies more things, thank you Shine. :wub:




what the poo. I am anthropomorphizing computer hardware.


oh it is 3am. while I am not sure this is the reason, it is entirely likely that it may be the cause of this temporary insanity.


nothing too see here people. keep moving, keep moving.


Recommended Comments

It takes a bit of getting used to, but Mighty Mouses are really not that bad. I'm using one right now, and it's wireless.


(Even though it sometimes refuses to click on the screen and I can't scroll down. <_<)


-=< :s: >=-

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(Even though it sometimes refuses to click on the screen and I can't scroll down. <_<)


Those are two broken out of 3 qualities one would want in a mouse


the third being that it moves the cursor


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It takes a bit of getting used to, but Mighty Mouses are really not that bad.

Thou wilt get thyself hence out of this my blog.


With all due haste.

See, kids? When you don't use a mighty mouse, you talk like that. :P


-=< :s: >=-

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