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Distinct Lack Of Turaga



Recently I have realized that Turaga have probably not been featured very much since the early years of Bionicle. The only Turaga that were ever actually important were the six originals, of course, Turaga Dume, Turaga Lhikan, who is dead, and Turaga Jovan, who is also dead. And out of those, only the original six and Dume were released as sets. That's seven sets, ever. And now, on Bara Magna, there are Agori, who are like Matoran, and Glatorian, who are somewhat like Toa. But no Turaga. Hmph.


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But he's still an Agori, not officially a different class. Just an Agori leader.


Yeah, I wish there was more in the way of Turaga. I guess they didn't sell well cuz no one wants a bunch of old ppl setz? :D

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I don't really see the point of a separate Bara Magna class for Turaga. Turaga seem more essential to the MU's society than Bara Magna's.


I agree, it's a pity there aren't more Turaga. But I'd think in sets it's more of a loss than in story, and in all honesty it's fairly obvious why the old folks don't get sets these days =P.

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