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Spirit Week So Far...



Isn't going very good for us sophomores.

First day: Space Day. I dressed up as a comet. I saw an astronaut, several aliens, two Jedi, One princess Leia (two if you count the school counselor) and the cow that jumped over the moon. Sadly, about 20 people dressed up out of 200. At least I think it was 20.

Second day: Pirate day. More people dressed up, but the majority of the school stayed simple.

Third day:Inanimate object day. I dressed up as a sock drawer, after thinking about several ideas. I saw water (which was another idea of mine) a taco, a dog food bag, an MnM, and several crayons. Still not a lot of people dressed up. Then we had the noise parade that night. Sadly, it's still to hot for a bonfire, so we marched to the school and had a tailgate party, with Rock Band. It was really fun, considering I have never played Rock Band.

Today: Color Day. The Sophomores were black. The Battle of the Bands was also today. I walked over to where the sophomores were in the old gym and something wondrous happened. It was wondrous because I still wonder how it happened: The sophomore band backed out, so we didn't have a band. Thankfully, I was once again able to save us from looking like complete cool dudes. With a quick arrangement with the teachers, I was able to get in as the sophomore band. I sang Bye Bye Babylon.


The freshman had a lot of people, but most of them just stood around, doing nothing. The Junior one-man-band was pretty good. The Seniors rocked.


I was pretty disappointed with my class this year. Most of them didn't dress up (except for today), they didn't come to the noise parade, and if they did, they didn't shout very loud. (But I couldn't really tell: the freshman were screaming their heads off behind us.) Some of them actually drank pop and the like as we walked down the street. Then the sophomore band backed out at the last minute. I am almost ashamed to be their class princess.


Tomorrow is the homecoming ceremony. The big night. Can't wait.


(and i won't do my usual blue text for big blog entries like these. makes it to hard to read.)


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