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Heroes Epic Guest Character Recruiment



I'm making a Heroes epic, based off of a currently vanished Heroes RPG I played in. The story basically revolves around my character and his fight to right things and clear his name, as well as save the other evolved humans.


I'm looking for people who would be interested in having a character to feature in the pocket Heroes universe I'm creating. Since this is based off of an RPG, I'll ask you to use an RPG-formatted character profile. Really easy:

Name: (This speaks for itself)

Power: (Also very self explanatory. You may only have one power, though that does not mean it can not do more than one thing. Imagine the Human Torch, if you will. His power is to cover himself in flame, but this causes flight, semi-invincibility, etc.)

Characteristics: (Character's age, physical appearance, traits, location, previous history, etc. Anything you can think of. The better the bio, the better I can use your character.)


Also, there is a limit to how many evolved I can fit in the story, but that does not mean you can't be a part of the legend! By all means, make up a regular human character, and I'll try and fit ya in somewhere. For that, just skip the powers bit.


Also note that not everyone will be represented equally. Some people will have minor roles, others will fight right by my character. See, regardless of how good your character is or how much you want him to kick some butt, unlike an RPG, the entire story is about my character, Herman Bauer, and everyone wlse will have backseat roles.


So yeah. If ya wanna be in on this, just make a character and wait for it. :P




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:kaukau:I have no clue what this about, but I feel like testing to see what kind of perception you have of my personality.


Name: Thomas Anthony Reagan

Power: He sends off a psychic emission that causes people to not want to take offensive action against him. It doesn't stop people from disliking him if they wish, but they cannot attempt to physically harm, blackmail, or plan any means of offense while in his presence, although they have the freedom to desire to do such things. If he were to assault someone else, they would not be able to fight back, although they could protect themselves through purely defensive means. The range of this power is held distinctly within a hundred yard limit. Either a person is within it or beyond it. He cannot turn off his ability.

Appearance: Thomas is a tall individual, six and a half feet, with bronze colored hair. He has a long face and blue eyes. He wears leather shoes, brown work pants, leather belt, a brown leather trench coat, matching leather gloves, and a brown newsboy hat. The only thing that varies is the color of the dress shirt he wears underneath. In case you were wondering, this is based on the way I dress in real life. He wears a class ring with a

Age: 18

Location: He comes from rural Iowa.

Past: When Thomas was eight, his parents divorced. He lived with his father, and went to a public school. He excelled in his grades. He went out for speech, drama, and track. He finished in the top 2% of his class. During his senior year, he dated a girl named D, whom he had had feelings for since the beginning of middle school. She was a very caring person, an angel. After he graduated, his relationship with D was put to a cease-fire after he decided to spend a visit to his mother and tour the world.

Personality: It's the same as mine. However you make that out to be is up to you.


Your Honor,

Emperor Kraggh

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Yay, Heroes! =D

Name: Julius C. MacDaniels
Power: Acts as a living beehive, providing shelter for a colony at a time. This also means he can use muscle spasms to hurl bees like projectiles. The tunnels are mainly in his bones or veins which have been “cordoned off” for the purpose of housing the insects, which lowers his bone density and makes him weaker in any physical combat. Prone to bone breakage, especially.
Backstory: An Italian-Scottish man, Julius is a 47 year-old man who until recently lived outside of Cumberland, Maryland, where he worked as a Cemetery owner. He spent 16 days as an amnesiac after getting on the wrong side of two grave robbers who were unusually eager to resort to violence. After he regained his memory, he found that he had moved, lost twenty pounds, and had dyed his hair blonde. And was filled with “tunnels” and bees.
Appearance: A short, stooped man (probably no taller than 4’ 9” ) with black hair (slowly growing out the blonde) and a goatee. He normally wears a torn brown leather motorcycle jacket, blue jeans, and one of a succession of bloodstained shirts from when the bees were still getting used to living in him. If one looks at any patch of bare skin, they are likely to see small holes, especially in his arms.
Personality: An optimist, Julius takes joy in trying to make others see the silver lining on every cloud. Has almost no end to his patience, although having bees crawling around inside you may do that to a person.
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Well, I've never actually watched Heroes and am pretty new here, but this sounds really interesting so I'll join in.


Name: Colin Hampton

Power: He is capable of distorting matter. He can twist nearly anything into whatever he desires, and even cause things to vanish altogether. Whenever he uses this, a slight gold appears at the rim of his pupils. The full extent of his powers is unclear, however, due to lack of usage.

Age: 15

Appearance: A scruffy-looking teenager with gray eyes and messy light brown hair. He looks young for his age. His clothes usually consist of a simple polo shirt, jeans, and black shoes.

Traits: Very quiet and shy, but thoughtful meanwhile. He prefers to avoid any dangerous or frightening situation, and likes to be left alone. He has few friends, and a distaste for learning, along with limited knowledge of how to play the piano. He rarely uses his powers, due to fear and lack of necessity, and thus has very little control over it.

History: He has led a fairly normal life so far. He has an older brother and sister, both at college. When he was younger, often he'd accidentally cause things around the house to disappear or damage them severely, but no one understood why this was happening. When he grew older, he decided to ignore his powers and never use them, so no one else, not even his parents, are aware of them. In recent years he has begun to completely seclude himself from other people, except for his family and small group of friends.

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I've got an idea for a great power, but it's probably too powerful. :P


It would be Molecular Manipulation, in case anyone was wondering.

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Doesn't mean you can't be a part of this. This isn't an RPG where god-modding runs rampant, this is a controlled storyline with other characters.


Also, people can put more than one character in, just only one hero.



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