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9/26- Imagine Recapz



So, if any of you need a recap, check here. I'll be updating this periodically. I'm shooting for every Saturday, so we'll see how that goes. You can also add your own personal recaps here in comments section. Be sure to mention anything that I missed!


*Recap Start*


Imagine opens in Spaceport, where a night time zombie attack is plaguing the city. Red and other people fight off some zombies while occasionally returning to the Universe. In the Universe, the Demons have someone managed to infiltrate London, likely through its sewer systems and people are evacuating the city. Wyatt meets up with Davis and they encounter a demon who forces them into the Immagina for a duel.


Shade, a super villain from the Immagina's past, shows up and traps Red, Davis, Alex, and a few others in a building full of zombies. While trying to fight each other, they have to fight the zombies as well. Mocha, a bear eidolon, starts throwing zombies and creates a zombie shaped whole in the wall, which they promptly escape through.


Once outside, they meet the Professor, who got hit in the head by a flying zombie, and Shade, who forces them to experience their greatest fear. The only way that Shade is driven off is by a surprise attack from Manifold. Shade runs away in order to execute the next stage of his plan. A battle ensues that lasts until dawn, when all the nightmares flee the city.


Red goes to a bar to meet his contact with the Dune Bandits, who informs him that they have found a passage into Underworld. Red asks the room at large if anyone will join him in this quest. A team is assembled and will meet later that day on the street corner. Red goes out to requisition supplies.


Meanwhile, the Bazooka BUnnies are being chased by a legion of hunters. After that fight, the team assembles. They meet Pedro, whom everyone is almost immediately suspiscious of but they accept him anyway. The team travels out into the desert where they are shown the tunnel to Underworld. Right after entering the passage they are attacked by many nightmares.


The team fights them off, but not without injury. Red duels Shade who spouts off some cryptic messages before being driven away by Sol. A small break in the fighting allows the team to reassemble. Pedro slips away to go talk to a horde of demons and betray the team. He is unsuccessful, and upon his return is questioned heavily about his whereabouts. When he is revealed as a traitor, he gets angry and leaves the Immagina to go after the baby form of Starbright, Thea Metissa.


After being healed by Eckell, Red assures the team that there is only a little way to go before they reach the top most level of Underworld, where they can assassinate the Demon leaders. About halfway up the stairs the team encounters Manifold, a group of five giants, and a Shadow Tyrannus. The giants are easily dispatched, and the Professor's Nanotyrannus devoured the Shadow Tyrannus. Manifold proved harder to beat. He orders his familiars to crazy things, culminating in the creations of a gigantic Goliath Bird Eating Spider.


Red becomes desperate and asks Starbright if she can have Nexus lift the team up to the topmost level and out of danger. Most of the people are carted by Nexus to the top (some were left behind to fight the giant spider that Manifold created), where it is revealed that Red is actually one of the six leaders of the Demons, with the lead Demon being a headless figure with a diamond hard body and a gold robe. The whole scheme was a trap to kill some of the most powerful Daydreamers and harvest their *dreamsouls for use in the Demon's plan. Starbright, in particular, has a very powerful dreamsoul. In passing, Red mentions an artifact of unimaginable power hidden deep beneath the City of Gold in an infinite labrynth of doom.


So people start fighting. Shade shows up, says a few things, and summons one of his creations, called Behemoth. To combat this, the Professor writes up the Black Beast of Aaaargh and now the two monsters are duking it out. Red has summoned several ghost ninjas to overwhelm the Daydreamers. Currently the Professor has obtained the holy hand grenade and intends to use it as a way to escape.


*Recap End*


I'm sure that there are things that I've missed please tell me about them if you remembered something that I didn't.




Recommended Comments

This recap seems satisfactory so far - now, someone, please hurry up and IC in Imagine so I can get on to actually using the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch to escape.

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