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Football Referees



American/Canadian football, not European football. Nothing against it, it just doesn't conjure this to me as much as the prior does.


Anyway, I have a lot of respect for these people.




Because they go out onto a field and run side-by-side with armoured strongmen over six feet tall who's main goal is to tackle one-another wearing no extra padding from a normal outfit, when one overzealous player missing a tackle could break their neck.


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The other day a player for my high school's team ran right into the referee. It was pretty funny, because he was running straight ahead.

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I'd have more respect for them if they didn't suck at their jobs nine out of ten times.


Especially in the college game. NCAA refs are probably the worst referees ever. Nine out of ten times, I swear they choose who should win before the game, and then throw flags to make sure it happens. It's infuriatingly frustrating.

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If a handegg (I'm sorry, but I refuse to call it football; it's not a ball and you don't use your feet to move it around) referee gets hit by one of the players, then someone has done something wrong

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When I played football, the team I was on sucked for the most part. Well, we were losing, but then we scored a touchdown right before the clock ran out. We won right? Wrong. The ref throws down a flag, and calls some bs penalty that didn't even happen. So we don't get the touchdown and they win. I'm sure those refs were bribed. I can't believe some people would take a kids football (I was in 5th grade) game so seriously.



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I saw a play where the handegg (why don't we call it that instead of Football/soccer so that nobody gets confused anymore? It's allot more fun to say, and it may give me an intrest in the sport for once if the announcer said 'Are you ready for some handegg?") was 6 inches away from the guy, and the referee said it was in the guy's hands.

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