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Omg Kardas



I just ordered Kardas! Since I never got him while he was actually in stores, I've been looking for a moderately-not-too-high priced one for a long time. I finally found one for $65, which I think is pretty good. Kardas was $50 when it was in stores, right? Anyway, it should be here any day now.


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I got Kardas for Christmas in 2006. He's still on display in my bedroom, right alongside Lhikan & Kikanalo and 2008 Takanuva. Most definitely worth the $50, though $65 isn't that bad, I guess, considering he came out about three years ago.


Good find nonetheless, however, and I hope you enjoy it :) .



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$65? Wow. Well, enjoy. :P

Is that a good "Wow" or a bad "Wow"?


I'm not sure. You're lucky you have that much money for a Bionicle set. :o Most I've ever been able to spend on a set was...maybe $40? No, wait, that was my friend's mother's money...:]

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$65? Wow. Well, enjoy. :P

Is that a good "Wow" or a bad "Wow"?


I'm not sure. You're lucky you have that much money for a Bionicle set. :o Most I've ever been able to spend on a set was...maybe $40? No, wait, that was my friend's mother's money...:]

Well, there's not much else possession-wise that I really want. You said in your blog that you want a MacBook and camera and such, so I would guess that you have other things to spend money on. I don't, at the moment.

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$65? Wow. Well, enjoy. :P

Is that a good "Wow" or a bad "Wow"?


I'm not sure. You're lucky you have that much money for a Bionicle set. :o Most I've ever been able to spend on a set was...maybe $40? No, wait, that was my friend's mother's money...:]

Well, there's not much else possession-wise that I really want. You said in your blog that you want a MacBook and camera and such, so I would guess that you have other things to spend money on. I don't, at the moment.


True, true. I'd probably be able to have a whole lot more Bionicle stuff if I didn't blow so much on music and all my other junk...:P

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