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Writer's Buzz

Dr. Bionicle


As you've probably noticed, I've been adding content blocks in since yesterday. We now have as new additions The Context Game, The Riddle Corner, Say Wha?!, and Insight of the Day. I've been trying to give you guys more to do than listen to me blabber on and on about my life, so I try to fill this stuff with as many good content blocks as I can.


Well, recently, I've been going completely literary. I've been reading extensively, writing all over the place, and just getting indulged in literature. Part of this I really owe to BZP, what with SSC #3, but I also owe a lot of it to my school. Right now, I am involved in a program known as Written & Illustrated where young authors write their own novels for the school to publish and put in their libraries.


I myself have been working on this project and have succeeded in writing the longest novel to ever show up within the group (despite the fact I haven't actually finished writing it all).


Last year I did a book of decent format which I quaintly called Artificial Control. This book was basically about a boy who meets a man that is partially controlled by artificial cells in his body. Sometimes, the man is perfectly normal, other times he's robotic and cruel. As the boy investigates, he learns that the man was once paralyzed in his legs and created a chemical formula to act as a replacement for the nervous system. He created these artificial cells in order to gain his mobility, but they have now begun to take over his mind. The boy somehow has to save the man before he is completely taken over by the menace and his cruelty ensues.


This book was pretty heavily inspired by two classic novels, Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde and The Invisible Man, both great science fiction books. I, unfortunately, had a time of two weeks with which to throw together a rough draft and my revising became strictly within the novel.


This year I was determined to blow my 7th Grade year out of the water. My novel Cyborne was born two months before school began.


Cyborne tells the tale of a strange government move where random people are given summons to come to laboratories. They come out with robotic adjustments, becoming the race that science fiction classifies as 'cyborg'. The "humans" do not accept this change and a wall of prejudice builds up against the race now known as 'Cyborne'. Despite its negative effects, this system suddenly begins to spread around the world. Mark Caspian, a young Cyborne, soon becomes affiliated with an uprising that has found the government's true meaning behind these changes. The Cyborne Project is a global conspiracy to cease overpopulation through extermination. Caspian joins up with the uprising to fight against this under the leadership of a strange man who goes only by his Cyborne identification code 'X1011' who makes a point of hiding his identity behind a mask. As times goes on, Caspian begins to change and we see X1011's true intentions are to dictate the world. In the end, Caspian soon finds that the human race is a flawed development that needs guiding by a perfect ruler, namely himself. In essence, through all his trials, Caspian picks the path of evil and takes up his new position as the newly named 'Monarch'.


That is a very tight summary, by the way.


But don't worry, I don't end Cyborne on that dark of a note. I am already starting the pre-stages for the sequel, Cyborne: Outcast.


An interesting development, the Written & Illustrated director on reading my unfinished rough draft found it to be worthy of putting together to send out to a publishing company. I'm personally flattered by the idea, though I know the odds. I'll be working to finish Cyborne and getting it submitted to a publishing company.


So yeah, it's pretty cool. I feel like I'm really getting in touch with my writing passion again.



Dr. Bionicle


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I'm a writeaholic too, and I like these ideas of yours. Of course I could never argue with the novels of a man who had a Batman avvie a while ago. That was a Batman:The Animated Series avatar, wasn't it?
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Pssst, if you look right before it closes, the light does indeed go off. As I'm sure you know. How else would you have written that? :P

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Your xurrent riddle is so obvious, Dr. B. Of course the big Indian couldn't be the little Indian's father, because the little Indian is his/her mother!


Did you mess up on the riddle, or was that intentional? :P

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Well, aren't you a lucky duck. I feel like doing the same, adding chunks of hoo-ha into my own blog, but it ain't good to steal ideas, right?


Anywho, yes you definitely made your blog a whole lot more interesting.


And lucky duck, you're novel-writing and having a good time with good flow of writing juice, while I'm sucked dry.


Meh. Scratch away the whining.



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