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College, Reprise

ToM Dracone


Gosh, where should I even begin?


I think the simplest way of saying it is this: I love my life. I'm sorry if that sounds smug or anything, but it's true – I love being here, I love my classes, I love my new friends. I do miss my friends back in Rochester, but I'm still in touch with them and I get to see them in a few weeks, so that's all good. I also miss MOCing, but that's another story.


Classes... what can I say but that they're awesome? Twice now I've had 70+ lines of Latin and/or Greek to translate in one night, but I don't mind this at all, because I love them. I mean, I'm reading Propertius and Plato. I'm in 300-level Latin and it's perfect for me. What more could I want? And then my plants class is great; we go on awesome field trips and then one day we spent class talking about fruit and then "dissected" and ate a pineapple and a grapefruit and raspberries and loads of other stuff. It was fantastic. I've also had lilies in my dorm room for the past three weeks thanks to flower dissection labs!


The extracurricular stuff I've been doing isn't at all what I had expected, but it's still great. Like, I've learned how to use the student-run theater on campus (but not any of the others), but I have yet to actually really work on a show due to schedule conflicts. Instead, I've been doing lots with Act Out and QCVC, the college LGBTQ groups, and a bit with Helicon, the literary magazine. And the best part (well, after the awesome people I've met through it) – I'm going to the National Equality March! (on October 11th in Washington, D.C.) There are over 100 of us going from Vassar and it's going to be absolutely incredible. I can't wait.


And I can barely begin to describe the awesome people I've met here. The girls across the hall from me quickly became my best friends; once we stayed up until 4 AM watching Monty Python and talking with one of their friends on Skype. And then with one of my other friends, one time we went to a showing of Star Trek and then played Rock Band for the next three hours in his room. Or the time I was press-ganged into combat duty and spent the rest of the afternoon shooting nerf guns on the quad...


I actually took some pictures of my room today. Maybe I'll show you guys one or two of them. I finally put all my photos and posters (both of them) on the walls, so it's pretty much done now... and a heck of a lot better than it was when I walked in on the first day.


Also, crushes are annoying sometimes. Not that I mind having this one...

~ ToM


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