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Destroyer's Invocation



When we joined the Covenant, we took an oath! According to our station! All without exception! On the blood of our fathers, on the blood of our sons, we swore to uphold the Covenant! Even to our dying breath!


And He shall rain down snares upon sinners, fire and brimstone and wind of tempest shall be the portion of their cup.






So as I mentioned in a previous entry, I'm been fiddling with the Boarding Action model, for the same purpose as usual, namely making the model less horrible, which usually involves doubling the tri count. To make this not boring, I also try to switch the architectural style of the map, in this case from human to Forerunner.


In this case, it didn't work at all well, because a multi-floored area without much depth does not a good Forerunner structure make. And whoever'd modelled it in the first place didn't do a good job, practically every other face was nonplanar.


So, gave up on that. Working on Dmntn(if you've played Halo, you should know which map I mean, despite the name not being filtered, DV insists on editing it, so this is a sort of compromise) now. Funnily enough, H1 Covenant maps have a lot of Forerunner-ish architecture in them, since Bungie doesn't seem to have really nailed Covenant architecture until H2.


Renders sometime later. Dear God this is like working on a 3D maze. At least it's not hard to figure out what to replace various things with.


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Hey, we read that last year in social studies or language arts.


Can't remember the name though.

The second line? 's from Psalm 10, I think. Fits well with the title, and it's stuck in my head for reasons unknown.

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You try to summon up the spirits live on Face the Nation,

but the Port Authority just taxed incantations.

It's alright... The Sublimate Hour!

Auction off The Temple. It's money well-spent.

Hey, are those tears in your eyes as the wind cries, "enlargement"?

It's alright... The Sublimate Hour!


Don't spend your life conceiving

that the widows won't get sick of their grieving

'till everyone walks out.

Hey, isn't that what rock 'n' roll is all about, Princess?

Confess your bloated self, willful and indignant,

in the face of somebody's lord!




Sorry, you just invoked Destroyer, which summons me over to quote Destroyer lyrics out of context to you, whether you like it or not, entirely because I have the chance to.


Anyway. Continue with your normal business.

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