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An Insufficient Dancing Hates The Inverse Fur.

Boogie Monsta


I found the 2nd or 3rd most awesomest thing ever.




A practical lens degenerates beside the crisp. A luck smiles after its dance. The condemning pedant examines the daft astronomy. The disabling astronomy declines above the cream. The surprise accelerates a sympathetic particle under the weekday.




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"How will a dictator compress any disconnected history?"

That's awesome.

"One bubbles opposite the infant. Why can't a beautiful episode harden underneath Two? One exists below a laughing gut. The history interacts with Two inside a class."



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"The reactionary bench drains the penguin." <-- Scary bench.


"Whatever sweated genetics depresses the ignorance inside an acquired waste."


"The bomb sounds a mortal beneath the forbidden funeral."


"A stuff orbits throughout the moan!"


"The generous tragedy results behind the paper void."


"The wartime waits." <-- Just plain.. Well, not funny! xD


Yes, I'm really having fun with this =D



-The Optimist

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Lulz. Scary bench indeed. I think The Optimist got the best one.

"An anniversary jet expects a machinery across the rear lip."

"An enlightened groans!"

"Will another campaign struggle?"

"A chopping reactionary spins without the disguised insight."

"The obstruction situates a pet moon before a spiritual."

"A remote microcomputer tutors the evil underneath the monthly character."

"The swimming tray piles the conventional downhill."

"When will the tunnel conform?"

"The chapel resets outside the continent!"

"The uniform movie skips past the questionnaire."

"The confined overtone camps whatever compressed borderline."

"The incorporate duck dances with the irritating oil."-Lol. Best one I got.

"Your smoke pales behind the invalid domestic."

"The charm alarms each confidential banana."


-Feel the insanity!-

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