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I changed my blog back to 'Approve all comments' setting. It's a real pain to search my blog every day for comments, but for some reason none of you ever comment when I set my blog to 'No Approve'. Why is it that every time I try to make my blog more convenient for everybody, none of you comment?! Is it some sick plot to make me go over my blog every day to see who commented on what and force me to keep it in the 'Approve All Comments' setting by not commenting?! Come on, please, if I change my blog to the 'No Approve' setting and I see people who have commented here before browsing my blog without commenting, I'll list their names and I won't be very nice. And please, comment on my poem. OR ELSE. *Revs up chainsaw*


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This is the first time i read, your blog. Nice first impression hostest. I will be back, but keep the no approve on. Why would you switch it?



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Well, to be quite honest, I haven't posted in your poem because........I have nothing to say about it.......I'm not at talking about deep, life related thoughts..........

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