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Third C. I. R. C. L. E. Participation Policy Violation Discussion



It is my sad duty to inform the group that at this point in time both Zee & Rhas have each failed to participate in two or more consecutive voting threads. :(


As such, they are both in clear violation of the "C.I.R.C.L.E. Participation Policy" and is therefore subject to probable sanctions ranging from "Probation" to "Demotion".


The "TURAGA COUNCIL" would appreciate it if the rest of "The C.I.R.C.L.E." would please take a moment to post their thoughts on this situation and suggest an appropriate course of action that will be undertaken in the coming weeks.





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I was actually wondering, is it possible for a CIRCLE Member to, much like in a real occupation, take leave? My time on the computer has been limited to the Forty Five Minutes my local library can give me. So if at all possible, until the PC at my Mothers is up and running, and the steady flow of my Home Work ceases. At present, as most of America, am becoming much to reliant on these infernal contraptions to do my home Work.

In other events, I think that it should be acceptable for a CIRCLE member to ask for leave. So maybe a CIRCLE Leave policy should be made? However not to say this would go into effect for Members that didn't ask for leave.



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It is clearly stated in the "C.I.R.C.L.E. Participation Policy" that violation only occurs when a member has done these two things:

  1. Failed to attend two or more consecutive rounds of voting.
  2. Failed to provided notification of absence prior to truancy.
Thus there is no need for another policy.


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I would say that since school is starting up (or already has) we give them a bit more time, as it can be difficult for some to manage large amounts of homework and BZP related duties. My suggestion is to give both Zee and Rhas 2-3 weeks to fulfill their C.I.R.C.L.E. duties. If they do not respond in that time, i recommend Probation.

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I may be partnered with Rhas in a Doctor Who epic project for this site, but, I have to go with the rules on this. I must say that, since the rules have been violated and they have failed to either announce they would be gone, or, participate in time, that some action should be taken. What action? I don't know. But something should happen, since it's the rules.

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Since Zee has commented in here and provided an explanation for why he has been absent, I assume he is excused from this. As for Rhas, I would recommend Probation, unless/until he can provide an explanation for his absence.

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Well since Zee has given an explanation, he should be excuse for now. I also like the leave idea.

Now for Rhas, I say wait a little while incase there is a problem. If he fails to vote in coming articles then probation may be required.



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Yes, I agree with Zee, and thanks for letting us know what's happened, it makes it easier on all of us. I suggest we wait a little bit before we decide.
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Actually, I was planning on quitting, I but kept forgetting. So, I'll quit now.


Do I just say I'm quitting or do I have to do something to finalise it?

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I really don't want you to quit, in fact I don't want anyone to quit, I just was hoping for a minimal level of participation.


I sent you a PM about this in hopes that we can discuss the matter further, and await your reply.


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Well, I was just glancing at you Blog, and I became curious: What exactly is the deal with notification? That is to say, does a C.I.R.C.L.E. Member just say, "I'm going to be gone for a while, I'll be back whenever," and that's it, or is there something more? Now, this is just me; I'm not affected by any of this, but I am insatiably curious. :P


~ BioGaia

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It's simple really, they just tell any member of the " Turaga Council ", either by posting in our blogs or via PM that they'll be gone for a specific length of time and therefore unable to participated regularly during that timeframe.


For instance, Kered told me on October 4th that he would be largely unavailable for the next two months, for reasons I won't get into here, but regardless his absence is understood and excused until the beginning of December. ;)


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We really don't know what is happening with Rhas, I mean for all we know he could be going through a bit of bad luck, I say we give him a little while longer to explain his absence.



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In truth, I would prefer not to see anyone leave. I place a lot of value in the opinions of others and I feel that losing that opinion would be counter to the C.I.R.C.L.E.'s purpose. But, if a member chooses not to express his opinions then he may, at his disgression, leave.


Seeing as how Zee has commented here and explained his absence, I feel that he, along with Erebus, should be excused for their actions or lack there of. However, I would like to hear more from Rhas before his judgement is passed.

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